Chapter 4

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Greys hound

It was now getting dark outside so we decided that we would continue this tomorrow but I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried I couldn't

I sighed as I got out of my bed and went to the balcony as I could feel Y/n was asleep cause her heart beat was steady

"I miss you so much Y/n" I said as tears slipped out of my eyes this made me break completely I fell on the ground sobbing as the demons heard but they didn't come they knew I needed space

I cried for hours non stop before I became numb of crying and was now just sitting with my knees to my chest as my elbows rested on the holding up my head I was still outside on the small balcony as I heard the demons moving around talking about wherever

"Dad?" I heard Fenrir say I glanced over at her seeing she was in the doorway "you alright?" She asked

I shook my head as she came over to me and sat down next to me "I just miss your mother so much" I said while my voice cracked like crazy

"We'll get her back don't worry" she said as she hugged me from the side that's when she noticed the whites of my eyes were red "how long have you been crying?" She asked

"Ever since you guys left" I said as she nodded her head hugging me tighter I didn't move from my spot as I was still looking forward

*Y/n's POV*

I groaned as the door opened I was getting tired of this Blaze walked in and did his usual trying to get me to break but I never did he never actually hit me and that stuff he always threatened but never did

"You know your all bark and no bite" I said he rolled his eyes

"And why's that?" He asked with a smile

"Because you threaten to cut me slit my throat but you never do" I said with a smirk his smile faded away

He gave a growl as he grabbed a knife and put it to my throat this caused me to laugh "come on do it" I said as he just looked at me like I was crazy "DO IT KILL ME" I yelled this made him flinch and pull away

I scoffed as he threw the knife to his side as he walked over grabbing a pistol I lifted my eye brows as I made an 'ooo' face(like how void did)

He put the gun to my head as I could see sweat drip from his four head "pull the trigger" I whispered again he gave me the weird look "come on do it" I said with a crazy smile

"SHOOT ME" I yelled this made him squeeze the trigger making it go off I felt the bullet go threw me as I pretend to be died this caused him to freak out

*Dereks POV*

It was now morning as I could feel Y/n going crazy about something then all of a sudden I felt my head burn this caused me to hold it as I grunted

"Derek was wrong?" Scott asked as he came over by me

"I think..someone shot Y/n" I said looking at at him as his eyes widened "in the head" as if it wasn't possible his eyes widened more as everyone else besides the demons

"Is she died?" Fenrir asked with fear

"No I can feel her heart beat and it's not slowing down or anything" I responded as another wave of pain came over me from her head where we guess she got shot at

*Y/n's POV*

"You stupid ass you killed her!!" I head Lilith yell as Blaze I tried so hard not to smirk or laugh

"We don't know that for sure I mean I used a human gun not a demon one" he responded

"What ever let's just move her" Lilith said as I guess Blaze nodded his head

I felt the chains being removed from my wrists as I felt someone pick me up "where should we put her?" Blaze asked he was the one holding me

"Out of here cause now thanks to you Hell hounds will be coming this way" I heard Lilith snap

So I'm in hell I thought as I connected mine and Dereks minds

Derek I know where I'm at!

Oh my god your alright where are you!

I'm in hell


Yep...also sorry about getting shot

It's alright so can the pack and me come and save you or does it have to be your Demon friends and Hound pack?

Well right now I'm pretending to be dead so if I'm not there in two weeks call my Boss and he'll let you guys come and save me


And with that I unconnected our minds as I felt Blaze set me down on something comfortable I squinted my eyes and saw he was the only one in here so I opened my eyes fully and gripped his neck making his eyes widen

I used my other hand to make him fall beside me as I scrambled to get on top of him as my hand was still on his neck

"Your a dumbass you know that?" I said as he only nodded his head as I punched him knocking him out

Now if only I get out and run to Boss he'll let me go back to my family I thought as I got off of him and went to a window and opened it and slipped out

I turned into my alpha form and ran knowing right where I was why would they bring me here I mean this is where Lilith killed my mother and it's where I killed her

I was running as demons looked at me seeing me and quietly went back to what they were doing I came to the gates of the castle and the guards opened up the doors as I quickly went to the throne room

This is not the end of the book don't worry

The Hell Hound |Derek Hale x Reader| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now