Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes and I was in a black room I looked around but didn't see anything that was before I heard a faint howl

I heard paws hitting a floor before it stopped behind me I slowly turned around and saw a black wolf who looked to be 5'7 just inch taller then Sköll

"What do you want?" She asked as I saw her red marks glow as she snarled slightly

"I'm trying to get my pack of Hell hounds back as well as my nephew" I said locking eyes with her red glowing ones she growled once again

"Let me guess you want my power to help get them back?" She asked with an eye roll which made me growl myself

"Sköll already chose my sister your the only way we can get out of this fucking house and get my pack back as well as my Nephew" I yelled as she stood there surprised

She stayed quiet before she walked up to me only taking three steps before she was right in front of me "You've had my power..." she said which made me confused

"What?! What are you talking about?" I asked as she chuckled

"You and your sister have always had our powers you just needed us to help you awaken it and now that your here I'll awaken it for you" She said in a calm voice

"What do I have to do?" I asked as she walked pasted me which made me turn and watch her

"Forget about everything and only focus on how much anger you've had all these years from the moments in Hell from the fights you and Derek have had" She said as I closed my eyes and focused on all the anger I had

I could feel my blood boiling as my breathing became heavy my jaw clenched as I felt my claws dig into my skin

"When you open your eyes you'll be laying on the floor control the fire around you so you don't hurt anyone and you have to work with your sister Icy" She said

"Open" I heard her say as well as another voice which my guess was Sköll her sister

I opened my eyes and sure enough I was on the floor my vision was different I only saw red before it changed and I could see colors other then red

"Y/n oh thank god" I heard Dereks voice say which I notice I'm a black wolf I stand up and I was the same hight as before

I looked to my sister who was staring at me in awe she moved out of the way and I could see myself threw the mirror

I was a black wolf with red eyes and red markings around my eyes fire was slowly circling me as ice circled Icy

I growled slightly which showed my large sharp teeth way sharper then an average wolf I snapped my jaw a bit before I turned to Icy who looked at me

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I growled slightly which showed my large sharp teeth way sharper then an average wolf I snapped my jaw a bit before I turned to Icy who looked at me

"You ready to get out of here?" She asked as I nodded my head "Sköll told me focus and combine our magic to get threw the metal" she said as I nodded

We walked to to the metal doors that lead to the back of the house we both closed our eyes as I felt myself getting anger I heard the flames around me blaze as they got bigger

I reopened my eyes and saw a hole in the metal it was glossing red before it made a hissing sound from the ice cooling it down

Once it was cool enough I saw the whole wasn't big enough for me or Icy so I grabbed ahold of it with my teeth and started tearing it apart which made really bad noises

I dropped a big chunk of metal out of my mouth as a growl come from my throat as I stepped out showing my teeth at anything

"This way" Peter said walking past us as we followed him we were at the edge of the woods before he stopped and looked down a pile of leaves where on the ground before he moved them

He crouched down and I saw a latch which he grabbed and pulled it at the bottom was stairs I saw it was big enough for me and Icy to fit

"I'll go first you go last alright?" I asked looking at Icy who nodded

I walked down before I hit the bottom and looked back and saw everyone else coming down and before I knew it Icy was down here and at the end

I turned back and walked down a hallway as I heard chains being dragged around and whispers my ears couldn't catch

We came to a door as I looked back slightly and saw everyone looking at me I used my head to push the door open

The door opened fully and saw my pack all chained to the wall in their human forms with cuts and everything on them

"Alpha?" Gator said poking his head out as he looked at me I stepped in as everyone else did Icy stood by my side as we looked around for Dabi

"Wheres Dabi?" I asked as Flame looked around at everyone

"Cara always has him by her side" He said making me nod my head at him

"Wheres Cara at?" Icy asked

Flame didn't say anything he only looked to a door that was closed I took the hint and walked over to the door Icy following close beside me

The door opened and I saw Cara she jumped back as she dropped whatever was in her arms as she stared at me and Icy

"H-How?" She asked her voice full of fear as I snarled at her as did Icy

"Sister Power and a little help from Sköll and Hati" Icy said with a smirk as she glared at Cara

"It also helped when you took my family" I growled out as I saw movement from behind her I immediately looked and saw Dabi

"Aunt Y/n? Mom?" He said as I nodded my head he let out a sigh of relief "Thank god Caras crazy" He said sloping passed her which she was to focused on us to notice

I saw Stiles immediately wrap Dabi in a hug which he hugged his father back "Let me kill her" I heard Peter say

I turned to him and gave him sad eyes "You sure?" I asked as he nodded his head before he looked at Cara with an angry expression

I backed up along with Icy as I trotted over to where Flame was and snapped the chains as I heard cries

The Hell Hound |Derek Hale x Reader| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now