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The next day when I got there, the Andy guy was at practice in Pete's basement. It seemed like we were all on way different pages and it took about the whole day for us to get it together. I ended up staying from twelve in the afternoon to midnight, it was rough.

Soon, I knew I was going to get to see that girl in the band again and maybe we could talk about our bands, maybe our bands would even get to play together. My problem was, I could barely sing in front of my own band let alone preform on a stage. I felt so screwed with this whole band thing.


We practiced all day everyday until the day of the show, and by show I mean a stage set up in a musty grafiti basement at a house party.

We arrived before most of the crowd got there and set up our stuff. Over the past few days I've gotten to know the guys a little better. I like Pete's overly eccentric ways and Andy's quietness, Joe was his same old jokey self but I thought we were a very odd and mismatched group compared to some of the other bands out here with similar music tastes and styles.

My hands were shaking as Joe helped me tune his guitar I was still using as the crowd became thicker and drunker. I began to feel a heavy and overwhelmingly choking sense of anxiety come over me. There was no doubt in my mind I was definatly going to mess something up being the new guy to all this. I didn't think I could sing to begin with what if my voice messes up from nerves?

"Guys, I don't think I can do this" I said and they all just gave me a blank look.

"Patrick, you can't back out on us now. Trust me, you will do fine, just pretend its band practice." Pete said over the noisy people.

"I really don't think I-" I was cut off by the only thing I now saw in the whole room. It was her making her way through the crowd of people. I don't know how I noticed her among all the people or how by chance my eyes landed right on her. I looked back at the guys who seemed bewildered by my sudden short attention span.

"I got this." I said with sudden confidence.

"That a boy!" Joe yelled and patted me on the back. I was still feeling nervous and self conscious especially knowing she was there, but this is what I had worked for. The shoe was on the other foot now do to speak, she was now about to watch me from the crowd. I never thought only two weeks ago when I was watching her preform that the roles would be reversed. I just hope she thought I was as cool as she was.

I looked around at the graffiti filled basement basement with part of the ceiling missing  to reveal it's rafters.

We suddenly got the cue to start preforming. My hands began to shake again, but I was alright. The first two songs were a bit rockey and I tried not to look at the people right in front of me. We didn't really get things going until we played the song we knew would be a hit, Saturday, it was the best one we wrote yet.

As I began to sing people actually began to dance, it felt good knowing we made this. The guys started getting just as wild as the crowd. Joe knocked a big hole in the ceiling with the headstock of his guitar, Pete was hanging from the ceiling rafters screaming into the mic.

For a instant I saw her watching me, no one else but me, from the side of rge stage. During the end of the song Pete was hanging upside down from the ceiling screaming with all the power he had and I was singing with everything I had. When we were done, I felt alive and I knew she had noticed me.

Hey guys! The basement show was based off the video Saturday so if you're having any problems imagining this part have a look at the video. Thanks for reading so far! And I promise it gets less boring soon.

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