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Nat's POV

   Once I had locked the cell that the girl sat in I walked to the meeting room, where everyone was discussing the small amount of information we'd been given.

   "He should have just stuck to screaming" I said, sitting on a chair next to Steve, "The moment he talked she realised it was fake"

   "At least we got her to say something" Steve responded, always the optimist.

   "Have we had any contact from Thor?" Clint asked, "They both seem to think he knows what they are"

   "Nothing yet" Tony said, "But there's still hope"

   "Did they find anything out about the boy?" I asked,

   "He isn't completely human" Steve told us, looking down at the file in his hands. "He's half something else, and judging from all the other kid's birth certificates, they're half something as well, presumably the same something, he is naturally stronger than the regular human, and has a higher metabolism"

   "Could you find a reason for the water stuff?" Tony asked,

   "No, but it does heal his wounds, any of them" Steve said, "They want to look at his mental state"

   "The girl's as well" I said, "Her expression when I asked her about her past was, different, I suspect something traumatic has happened, to both of them probably"

Percy's POV

   While I was unconscious I dreamed, I dreamed about my Mom, getting an Iris message from Chiron, I dreamed about Annabeth, sitting in the interrogation room, her expression panicked "It's not real" I heard her say, "It's fake", what was she talking about? And I dreamed about camp.

   Everyone was gathered in the rec room, discussing a rescue mission,

   "-Jason finds Percy and Annabeth and frees them and you all escape without being caught?" Malcom was saying, "Can we do that?"

   "We'd need two pegasi to pull the chariot but I think we could do it" Butch replied.

   "Sounds like a plan" Jason said, "When are we gonna do it?"

   "As soon as possible" Clarisse said, "But we don't know where they are in the building, so we might want to send one person to try and find them first, so we get them out quicker" 

   "Clovis" Lou Ellen said, snapping her fingers in front of the sleeping camper, his eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room confusedly, "Can you try and contact Percy and Annabeth, and see if they can help us?" She asked.

   "What?" Clovis said, 

   "Can you contact Percy and Annabeth in their dreams, they might know where they're being kept?" Lou Ellen repeated, it was a good idea, but I had no clue where I was other than a cell in the Avengers Tower. Clovis nodded sleepily before falling back into his constant state of slumber.

   My dream went dark as Clovis appeared in front of me, "That was quick" He said,

   "I can't help" I said, "I don't know where I am, other than in a cell, but I think Annabeth might know, she was taken out of her cell to be questioned so she might know a bit more" Clovis nodded, "She's still being questioned though so it will probably be a while until you can contact her, so what's the plan?"

   "I don't really know" Clovis replied, "I was sleep, but I think they're gonna bring a chariot and just get you out, they said something about the mist, and I think someone mentioned Nyssa coming as well"

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