A statue, a hairclip, and a rabbit

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Jinx was too shocked to speak,
"Oh, I guess I'm being kidnapped? Oh shoot I'm being kidnapped!! Okay, just stay calm..."

"So, uh, where the hell are you taking me?" she questioned her captor, (okay, maybe she wasn't going to stay calm),
but she just kept hold of Jinx, leading her somewhere silently.

Jinx struggled out of the other person's grasp, "okay so not gonna talk? Just let me gooo" she cried.

Her captor groaned, "For the love of Vidianne, would you shut up?!"

"Jeez, don't have to be so aggressive about it, and who the hell is vidi-...ow!" she yelped as her face rammed into a low lying tree branch

They navigated through brambles and fairy rings in silence until Jinx spoke,
"Okay, if I'm gonna have to silent while getting kidnapped, can I at least know your name?"

She rolled her eyes, "Fine...name's Cybelle"

"Well then, pleasure to meet you, Cybelle, which is weird, despite the fact that you are KIDNAPPING ME!" she squirmed, trying to break the ropes

"Oh, would you shut up? We're almost there anyway," Cybelle glanced around them keeping a firm grip on Jinx's tied up wrists, her other hand rested on the knife holster strapped to her thigh, "There it is, don't scream now blondie"

Her nose scrunched up in disgust, "For your information, my hair is strawberry blonde, not blonde, and there what is? Where are you taking me? I'm too young to dieeee"

"For the third time, shut up, they'll hear you" she pulled Jinx over to a tall, fairly thin, light grey rock, behind it was a thick wall of ivy and different vines, the ivy wrapped itself around the rock intricately as if it was something that needed to be protected.

Cybelle examined the rock feeling around for something until she eventually pushed jinx into a certain position in front of it, "Stand here, in front of her for 5 seconds, don't do or say anything stupid...please"

"What? Why? And what do you mean 'her', who is her? The rock? You really are crazy, ITS A ROCK, I-" she began to notice the rock reshaping then it began to hover off the moss covered ground, "Wait, how is it floating?! Now you've infected me with you're crazy, unhand me this instant!"

The stone faded and reformed as a statue, it resembled a woman, her arm stretched out, pointing left.

"Ah, there she is, pointing west, let's go, it'll be dark soon" Cybelle took her arm and pulled her along beside her.

Jinx squinted her eyes at her, "Where are we going exactly?"

"Don't worry about it, you'll forget soon anyway"

She furrowed her brow at those words silently, "I'll forget soon? What the hell does that mean?"

The low golden sun glanced through tree trunks and branches, some kind of animal pack cried in the distance as a weird sort of tingling sensation that filled the air tainted Jinx's skin,
it brought an obscurely nostalgic sentiment with it, yet she couldn't figure out what it was.

A tall structure came into view as they walked further west, it seemed to glow a golden aura, but Jinx thought that was just the sun glowing through the glass,
it was an open tower, with most levels having no walls, just pillars to hold the ceilings up, it was built around several trees, and had a diverse collection of winding stairs leading to different levels,
it was the most beautiful thing she had seen

Jinx gazed all over the place as she walked into the building, while Cybelle dragged her to a larger floor of the structure,

"Woahhh, where are we..." she seemed to be mesmerized by the castle-like design, and the way everything glowed,
Cybelle snapped her fingers in Jinx's face, "Hey, snap out of it, the guardians won't like it if you admire it too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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