10~ Secret Keeping

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Meredith Crawford watched in amusement as Robin zipped into his flat after receiving another message from the Greengrass's carrier pigeon. The majestic golden eagle seemed to be everywhere she went these days. Over the past few years, she'd developed quite a bond with the warrior bird. She wondered what new task Aurelio assigned Robin with.

When she went into Robin's flat she found him packing up all his things. Books, hats, even his crazy llama figurine collection. "Where are you going?" she chuckled turning her head down to his level.

"Nowhere," he said defensively, "I mean somewhere obviously, I, err..." he looked to his things scattered on the floor.

Meredith took a sip of the coffee she'd brought over from the café across the road, "Holiday? You deserve it Rob, we've been on this wild goose chase for too long now. Have some fun, sit back and relax we've done our job," she kicked back comfortably onto his bed.

"Yes, a holiday. That'll be nice." Robin Travers was the one person who did not deserve a holiday, ever since they were assigned the mission to calm foreign ministries of the war in Britain he'd been nothing but plain useless.

"But... I am your boss, so you're gonna need to tell me where you're going, you know paperwork. All that great stuff."


"Greenland! What holidaying are you gonna do there?"

"You know, err... ice fishing?" She really didn't know how she survived sixteen years with this guy.

"Right, ice fishing of course, why didn't I think of that?" she pranced out of the flat back to hers, "See you when ya get back...Unless this is permanent?"

"Nope, you'll see me by fall," he waved back to her. When Robin was selected for the task with Meredith, he was merely a trainee in the Auror Academy. Now, sixteen years later, she wondered if he'd ever go back to Britain.

She certainly wouldn't, there was a reason she chose the task outside of Britain.

After reading the letter concerning the Spring Lunar Flower she decided to take a quick trip to her friends at Gornuk, the Netherlandic Gringotts so to speak. As she walked in her head high, Paramount the head goblin came to her service immediately.

She bowed in greeting, "It feels like it's been years Paramount how have you been?"

"I'm very well since last week Miss Crawford," his clipped tone as sharp as his blade, "What may I assist you with?"

"Straight to business that's what I like about you Paramount. I want to look into your English records, connected to the Crawfords of course."

"You know very well we cannot access your British records from here. You will have to go to Gringotts," a sly grin forming on his face.

"Darn it Paramount, not even for an old friend?"

He seemed to think it over then looked to the other goblins for approval, "We may be able to request a renewal for information. Would you wait here miss, Aglaff will serve you tea, or would you prefer coffee?"

"Neither how long will it take?"

"An hour or so depends on when they'll respond. You know that goblins are the fastest in the business."

"You're the only ones in the business."

Aglaff chuckled, "Exactly."

10.1 Jabbering Comrades

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