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Chapter: IV

"We are our own demons"-Unknown

TW: Abuse, mental breakdown 

It's been a few months and everything seems to be going great...well as great as they can be. Savannah and Maddox have gotten closer, and are almost always attached at the hip. Since that incident with Colin, Alyssa, and the Finch' boy, the two have grown on each other. At school, they talk and are always near each other, when Savannah gets upset Maddox is next to her rubbing small circles on the back of her hand. When she cries he is there to hug her and whisper sweet-nothings in her ear until she calms down. Though he still doesn't know the extent her demons will go and how far they are willing to push Savanah over the edge. But what she doesn't know is that Maddox's demons have a common goal.


Maddox sits in his bath room on the floor, shaking, crying trying to make everything, the pain, the anxiety, the loneliness, go away. Just wishing it will all go away. Raking his hands through his hair and tugging. With low income, and no money to pay for his medication he is stuck until it washes over. 'It was getting better! It was getting better, and I was fine! Why'd it have to come back? Why did he have to come back?!' He thought, taking deep breaths like his mother showed him when he was a boy. Taking one final deep breath, he gets up and looks in the mirror.


"Who do you think you are,Boy?! Talking to me like that!" His father yells at a 8 year old Maddox, "GET OVER HERE!" He continues.

Maddox, shaking where he stands, not being able to move a muscle. "Are you deaf?! I SAID GET OVER HERE" the father says walking up to the little boy. Crying Maddox backs up until he can't any more. Trapped between a raging dad and the wall. "Who says you can talk to me like that?! When I tell you to mind your own business, you mind your own DAMN business!" he screams Grabbing the young boy by the throat.

Starting to see black spots and loss of hearing he sinks into his own little world. This was it, he was going to die. But he can't, he has to protect his mom, and Aly'. So he did what he does best. He fought. Try after try, he finally got his father off of him, but the victory was short lived. His father went on top of him, an 8 year old boy being punched repeatedly by his father. For what? Trying to save his mother and newborn sister. Punch after punch the pain slowly went away, he became numb, painful punches starting to feel like needle pricks on his skin. Until everything went black.

~End of Flashback~

A knock at the door snaps Maddox out of his thoughts. "Maddox? Are you ok?"

"Yah, Aly. I'm, uh, I'm fine" he replies, trying to control his shaky breath.

He washed his face and left the bathroom as if nothing happened. What happened that caused this episode you might ask? Well it's simple, his father...

~last night~

"Maddox, someone is at the door" Alyssa says coming into Maddox's room

. He was in the middle of punching the punching bag, when he heard her. "Ok, Aly. Stay here, yeah?"

Living in an unsafe neighborhood means you've always got to be cautious, especially when someone comes knocking on your door at 10 PM.

Walking down stairs and to the door, Maddox slowly opens it, asking who was there. The answer he got, sent memories and pain through his mind and body.

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