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Chapter: XVIIII

"Little did you know, I hold everything in my power" - Unknown

5 days til the trial

Colin had been woken up by yet another nurse visiting to check on him. He was happy that he only had to wait a day or two before he was released. Colin hated how everyone babied him while in the hospital, the nurses would always come to ask how he was and check on his injuries. Although he knew it was a part of their job, he had a feeling that they were pitying him. Colin despised how his father was the one that put him in this position that caused all of his pain.

After Malia died, they all changed. Savanah, Hayden, but their parents changed the most. They closed off their emotions for the most part before they left on their world-wide tour of 'Forgetting everything - including your own children'. That was one thing that Colin couldn't understand, how could his parents - the people that are supposed to love and protect him and his siblings - leave to better themselves? Colin and his siblings had to mature quicker than any kid should. It's not like the remaining woods children needed their parents - if you could even call them that. Mr and Mrs.Woods were shells of the people they used to be after Malia died. The youngest Woods sibling was only 13 at the time when his parents left. They didn't even say goodbye, just left a note saying;

"We have gone on a trip. We don't know how long we will be, there should be money upstairs in the safe for y'all. Be good, and don't destroy the house"

Love Mom & Dad

A laugh escaped Colin as he remembered the note. At the time he was pissed, they didn't even say goodbye. Colin rolled his eyes. Now it was comedy to him, he couldn't care less, he has bigger things to worry about. A small smile formed at the thought of his baby sister and the good memories.

Colin was snapped out of his thoughts when a creaking sound rang through the room. The boy snapped his head to the door, as Savanah, his mother, Maddox and Alyssa walked in. his small smile widened tenfold as he saw the people he loves.

"Hey baby bro"

"Hey sis, mamma, brother-in-law, wifey" He greets them all, smirking at the last one, as Alyssa blushed. Maddox and Savanah laughed at the young girl's reaction to her boyfriend.

"Shut up" Alyssa grumbled as she got onto the creaky, slightly uncomfortable bed. Colin laughed as he kissed Alyssa's cheek, certainly not helping her ever growing blush. Mrs.Woods set down a bag filled with clothes for Colin, so he didn't have to wear the stuffy hospital gowns that were given to him. She smiled at her son's playfulness. Happy that what her husband had done, hasn't taken a huge effect on Colin. Mr.Woods had hit his wife before, a slap on occasion, but it never got to the point of beating her. Mrs.Woods knew that she should have left him the moment he ever raised a hand to her. But she was afraid. Terrified of his reaction. Scared that he would find her, beat her within an inch of her life. Or worse, hurt their children. She still loved him, and she thought she could look past those few occasions.

Savanah and Maddox took a seat on the three person couch that was pressed up against the wall, diagonal from the bed in the middle of the room. Maddox wrapped his arm around the back of the couch as Savanah settled into his side, placing a hand on his thigh in a loving gesture. The boy in turn smiles, becoming giddy.

"How are you, man?" Maddox asked, sinking further into the couch and Savanah.

"I'm good, my ribs don't hurt as much, it's still sore though"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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