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Chapter: X

"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution."- Albus Dumbledore, Harry potter

TW: Drug abuse, Talk of death 

Colin looked at his older brother, he's only seen him like this one other time; when Malia died. After she died Hayden got into the wrong crowd and got caught up in drugs. The first time Colin caught him was 3 months after her death, when he just turned 13.


"Colin, can you go get your brother he needs to eat" Colin's mother said, she was a beautiful woman, blonde hair, grey-blue eyes that were always full of life. After the death of her baby girl her eyes have been lifeless, no joy or expression in them.

"Yes ma'am" Colin replied, getting up out of his seat and walking up the stairs. As Colin approaches, he can hear his brother's music from his room. Knocking on the door, Colin waits for it to open but no luck. After knocking two more times, Colin decides to go in and see if Hayden was alright.

"Hayds you there? Mama said you gotta eat with us man" Colin says walking around the corner to see Hayden sticking a needle into his arm.

"Hayden!? What the hell are you doing?! STOP!" Colin says rushing over to his brother. Getting the needle out of his arm much to Hayden's protest. Hayden pushes Colin off of him and onto the end of the bed.

"Stop Col! Go back to mom, dad and that bitch that killed our sister!" Hayden yells.

"Hayden, why are you doing this? Savanah didn't kill her, the drunk driver did and you know that!" Colin tries to reason. After a few moments of silence Colin speaks "Why did you start this?" he whispers sadness seeping through his angry exterior.

"I never got to say goodbye, this way I can see her" Hayden whispers tears falling down his face. "I need her, I miss her so... so much" he cries. He looks up at Colin tears streaming down his face "Please, don't tell anyone, please" he pleads with Colin.

"Hayds," he was cut off by his brother.

"Please Colin, for me" reluctantly Colin agrees.

"Mama wants you down at dinner, please come down." Colin says as he walks out. "And Hayden... Please don't do it again, I'm begging you, Lia wouldn't have wanted to see you like this'' Colin finishes, walking out of the room and leaving his brother alone.


Unfortunately Hayden didn't keep his promise, finally after begging from his parents, Colin, and Savanah he went to rehab. Malia and Hayden were very, very close. She knew things about him that nobody else knew. She was there for him when he needed her, when he was all alone and nobody understood him. How was he supposed to live without the one person that got him through the hardest thing he's ever been through in his life?


It was late on a friday night. Everyone went to bed except for the youngest Woods sibling. She stayed up waiting for her brother to come back, after seeing him sneak out of the house. A few minutes pass and Malia can hear a car pulling up into the driveway. Getting up from her spot on the couch she walks over to the window next to the door. Looking out she sees her brother get out of the car, a few seconds later a boy, Hayden's age gets out as well. The two walk up to the door and stand and talk for a little bit before the boy her brother was with leans in and kisses Hayden. Malia gasps, making the two boys break apart and look at the window. 'Shit' hayden thought

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