☆ Chapter 11: Kakashi to the Rescue! Part 2 ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

Kakashi?! Oh thank goodness he's here!Kakashi caught me Bridal style and set me down beside the tree. I sighed in relief. "Hey, I'm going to defeat this guy okay? I'll help you later." He turned around and faced that guy. Kakashi defended me and said "Don't you dare touch her! I'll kill you right here and now!" He shouted while pulling out his kunai. "The brats boyfriend came, hm?" The guy said with his arms crossed. "Oi mister! He's not my boyfriend!" I shout, giving him a death glare. "Enough talk let's fight!" He said charging at Kakashi. Kakashi kicked him in the belly making him fly into a tree. Kakashi punched him into the ground with both of his fist one at the time until there was blood on his fists. He then stopped he held the guys collar  then Kakashi Yeeted him in the air. "Whoa-" I say in surprise. Kakashi walked up to me and looked at my injury. "Does it hurt?" As he touched it, "Yeah, of course it does!" I pouted, "Okay sorry." Kakashi said boringly as he pulled out a first aid kit. He started to wrap my leg. "Can you walk?" He said looking at me trying to get up. "No, I don't think so." I say, looking at my leg. "Well then, I guess I have to do this." He said standing up, and walking up to me. "No, don't tell me you're going to-!" I got cut of because Kakashi got a hold of me. He held me bridal style. "Hey, I didn't agree to this!" I yell at him, I was red. "What choice do I have? You can't even walk." He said looking at me. "I hate you." I pouted, "Thought so." Kakashi said.

☆ Time skip ☆

We met everyone back at camp. "(Name), I was so worried about you!" Rin said healing my leg. "Now that (Name)'s safe we should pair up people just because we only have 3 tents with 2 sleeping bags in each." Dad said looking at us.

☆ Minato POV ☆

Okay so maybe Rin with (Name), Obito with Kakashi, and Me with Kaito then. I mean (Name) is a girl and Rin is a girl so it's best for them to be together. "Okay so Obito with Kakashi." Obito and Kakashi death glare at each other. "Kaito and me." Kaito nods "And Rin and (Name)." Rin hugs (Name) with excitement. "Okay lets go and sleep now." Everyone nods and goes inside their tents.

☆ End POV ☆

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