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As the days went by mint chocolate chip kept being more and more annoying. She did stuff like asking Tristan to measure hands, or she will ask for his hoodie, call him his "bestie" and hang out with him during the class. Of course Tristan was very uncomfortable with it but you both didn't say anything about it because she is very popular. If you said something she will accuse you of stealing her boyfriend and tell everyone Tristan is a cheater.

One day Tristan came up to you and said:

-"we need to talk..."

You got scared that its something serious but then he kept on going:

-"Mint chocolate chip is definitely flirting with me and trying to get me back."

-"i know!" You replied

-"well she asked me why don't i break up with you..."

-"What!?"- you were shocked, how could she ask something like this, she is obviously jealous and wants Tristan back...She seemed so nice and a good friend,why is she doing this.

You and Tristan talked and realised you have to do something about it...He said that he will send her a message saying that he only likes you and that he will not be with her. You agreed and waited for him to tell you her response.

-"she said of course and that she is not trying to get with me, i know its a lie but i hope she will stop doing it.."-Said Tristan.

-"i hope she will stop cuz i am honestly getting really mad..."- you said and went to bed.

Next day you walked with Tristan to school. You went early to class together so you can sit next to each other far away from Mint chocolate chip. Mint chocolate chip walked in to the classroom and saw you sitting next to Tristan, she got mad and went to her seat acting like she doesn't care.

The teacher walked in and started talking...

-"okay class so today i will give you a project that you will do home and bring it next week until Friday, you can talk about any theme you want that we did-..."

-"umm teacher, are we going to have partners?"-a student interrupted her.

-"uh yes thank you for asking, i will now tell you who you will be working with..."- The teacher started calling out names and making partners, you ended up with some girl you never talked to but you didn't mind cuz she was a great student.You were just sitting there as the teacher said:

-"okay, who do we have next...ah yes Tristan...umm you will be working chocolate chip."-

"No way" you thought as you looked at mint chocolate chip that was smiling at Tristan. You turned around to Tristan and said:

-"this cant be happening"-

-"ugh i know, i hate it here"-He replied.

-"well you have to meet at someones house then, i hope she doesn't try anything"-

-"same..."- he said

The bell rang and you started walking home together. As you were walking you heard someone from the back...

-"HEY TRISTAN"-you both turned around and it was mint chocolate chip. She walked up to Tristan totally ignoring you and said:

-"i see you are not busy, so would you like to come to my house now so we can hang out...umm i mean do the project"-

You wanted to punch her so bad but they did have to do the project, and they will be alone doing it at some point so you just said:

-"its ok Tristan you can go, i have to do mine anyways"- You said as Tristan made a "sorry" face.
Mint chocolate chip grabbed him and they walked away. As they were walking you heard mint chocolate chip say:

-"um u need her permission to go to your best friends house? She is so controlling right?"-

-"no she is not, we just had plans and you walked in them"-Tristan said

-"hihihi omg Tris" you are so funny"-she replied

This was so fucking irritating, but you just ignored it.

You went home and realised mint chocolate chip went live on instagram. You joined the live and saw her sitting next to Tristan, Tristan looked at the phone and realised you joined. He said:

-"oh hi girlfriend joined"-

Mint chocolate chip rolled her eyes and said:

-"uhm yeah your girlfriend...anyways we will end the live now we are gonna hang out cuz we have two weeks to do the project..."-

Before she could end it Tristan replied with:

-"um yeah if we are not doing the project i will go cuz i have plans with y/n"-

You smiled and heard mint chocolate chip:

-"omg its enough that you even are with that..."-the live ended...

Enough is enough, this is unacceptable. You had to do something about this...

Some time passed from the live and Tristan called you.

-"Hey so i just got home from mint chocolate chips house and something happened, i need to tell you"-

-"what..."- you replied

-"so when she ended the live she started insulting you and said i looked so much happier with her and stuff like that you know"-

-"ugh she is so annoying"- you said.

-"well thats not the only thing that happened"-

-"what else happened ?"- you said being kinda worried.

-"well she kissed me"...

TristanXreader fanfic Where stories live. Discover now