The plot twist pt. 2

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As you released that mint chocolate chip is staring at you still you have to think of an answer.

-"umm...uh, well i just wanted to ask you if he is your boyfriend"-you smile awkwardly hoping she doesent realise you are lying-" i guess i was right haha"

-"oh ok lmao" mint chocolate chip replied

The whole school day you thought what are you gonna do, you hated the fact that you thought there is gonna be something in between you and Tristan. You try to convince yourself that you still hate him.

"He is still a douche bag","he still looks stupid", you kept repeating that in your head as you walk home.

-"uh hey!" -you hear behind you, you turn around and its Tristan. You quickly turn back around and try to act like you didnt notice him. He suddenly taps your shoulder as you turn around and say "what!"

-"jesus!" He shouts when you push him away-"what the fuck did i do"

When you realise you were too harsh on him you face goes from anger to sadness and confusion.

-"i-i-m s-sorry...uh...i have to go now"- you reply nervously and run away from him home as he looks at you being confused. You come home and you are very embarrassed, how could u fall in love with him and why were you so rude today? You are trying so hard to convince yourself that you dont like him,you again repeat that he is stupid, like some sort of manifestation. Its late and you are tired but your head is full of thoughts about what is going to happen.

Tomorrow you wake up and get ready for school.
"Try not to look weird"-you tell yourself. As you are walking to school you see Tristan. Even tho you "dont like him" you hope he comes up to you like every morning and asks you to walk with him. And then all of the sudden he looks at you and rolls his eyes, turn around and keep walking faster to the school. "What?! Did i fuck up that much when i was rude to him yesterday? Omg im such an idiot"- you keep repeating that while you walk into the school.

-"hi, whats up" says mint chocolate chip when you sit next to her

-"uh hi"- you reply nervously

Things are not that weird actually, its going pretty good, both of you are laughing together and making jokes and everything is fine until lunch.

You walk into the cafeteria when mint chocolate chip goes to the bathroom leaving you alone at the table.
You are on your phone and eating and then suddenly Tristan comes up to you. You are very nervous and then he says,

"Where is your friend, you social reject?"- he says and laughs "i bet she left without you to take a break cuz she cant stand you anymore"- he rolls his eyes again and leaves

You are just standing there is shock, "why did he say that? I was not supposed to be rude to him yesterday...But why did he react that much"- you feel like crying but then mint chocolate chip comes back and you of course put on a fake smile and start laughing with her.

Next 3 weeks Tristan wouldn't stop with the bullying. Everyday he would make small comments on everything about you, your looks, your personality even the fact that you had anxiety the first day of school. And he would do it even in front of mint chocolate chip. She said that he just likes to joke, but looks on his face look like he hates you and not as a joke. At this moment you were so sad and you had no idea what to do.

One day you were just sitting in your room texting mint chocolate chip and a notification from instagram pops up. You go to check it out and its Tristan....!? At first you got nervous and then you realised he was probably going to bully you. At this moment you were so sick and tired of him you were about to write a paragraph roasting the living shit out of him but when you opened the message and read it you were in shock...

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