The plot twist

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When you were on your way to school you see Tristan,he tries talking to you but you just ignore him and keep walking.You are very excited to meet your new friend.When you arrive to school u see mint chocolate chip waiting for you.

-"hi, its me" you say awkwardly

-"oh hi" says mint chocolate chip back "i was waiting for you, lets go to class"

-"sure" you reply as you walk in to the school and then the classroom

You sit down besides your new best friend. You look around the classroom and see Tristan looking at you. You roll your eyes and try to ignore him. You turned around to mint chocolate chip to say that this guy Tristan is looking at you but before you say anything teacher calls you name.

-"would you like to introduce yourself."-says the teacher.

-"umm sure" you reply even tho that is the last thing you want to do.

While you walk to the board you see Tristan smiling at you from across the classroom. His little smile was kinda cute so you want to smile back, but then you realise what a douche bag he probably is.

-"uh hello" you say while looking through the classroom, you felt like all of the eyes are on you and that everybody was staring at you.
-"i just moved here, with um, m-m-my family". At this point your anxiety went through the roof even tho you only said 2 things. You start shaking and sweating while everyone is looking at you.

-"sorry i cant do this" you tell to the teacher and go back to your seat.

The bell rings and you run to the bathroom and start crying.

-"its gonna be okay dont worry" -says mint chocolate chip. "Im here"

-"thanks" you reply

-"you would've burst out laughing if you saw me introduce myself" said mint chocolate chip qnd laughed, so you laugh with her. You both head back to class.

The day ended, you said bye to mint chocolate chip and headed home. And of course you saw Tristan on your way home,he didn't say anything you both just made eye contact. You remember that he was the only one who didn't laugh at you back in the class, but of course you still dont like him, you dont know why but you dont.

When you got home you start thinking about why you actually dislike Tristan. Was it cause he looks mean? You still dont like him but you thought about how rude you were to gotta Tristan ,you went through your phone and looked at photos of him and saw how nice he actually looks . you then decide to text him and say sorry.

-you send him a message "hey sorry i was so mean today lmao"

-"umm yeah it doesent matter everything is cool"said Tristan.

You start smiling at your phone while reading the message again, but as soon as you realise that you are smiling at what he said you stop and tell him "yeah,whatever....." so you dont seem too nice, you say to yourself that you still dont like him, but sont hate him...

After that the next morning you see him going to school. You just stare at him and realise how cute he actually looks, he is very nice and not a douchebag when you think about it keep staring at him and smiling...and then you realise...

-"OH SHIT...i-i-i have a crush on him..." You stop while being in shock because of yourself....

How is it possible? Do i really like him? No i dont....yes i do...I am so confused how could i let this happen, i hated him two days ago!?

While your thoughts are spinning through your head so fast and not letting you see what is going on in the real world they get stopped by Tristan who just approached you.

-"umm hi?" - he says nervously while you look at him

-" h-hi" you reply being even more nervous

-"since we go to the school on the same path, why dont we go together?"-He says while looking at you and starting to walk backwards away from you

-"uh sure i guess..." you reply and make a small smile not even realising you are making it as you start to follow him.

You and Tristan start walking to school every morning, talking about so many stuff while your crush on him develops even more and more...Your life seems so perfect now, you have a best friend a crush and everything is going so fine.

You enter the classroom and sit next to mint chocolate chip as everyday and start talking to her, you just now realised that you are so obsessed with Tristan you have to share it with your best friend.

-"umm mint chocolate chip? I have to tell you something"

-"yeah sure whats up" she replies

-"so about this guy"-you say nervously while smiling

-"omg what is it?" She smiles back

-"his name is Tristan, he is in this class with us"-you tell her

-"you boyfriend?" She replies

You freeze, your mind stopped and you dont know what to feels like someone stabbed you, you are in shock....this cant be true, this cant be happening-you think to yourself .... while not being able to speak you realise she is still looking at you...

-"uh, umm...y-y-yeah" you reply as you start to fake smile so she doesn't think much of it..."i just wanted to say that..umm, i- um"

-She looks at you and says "yeah what about him?"

At this moment you just stopped feeling anything and realising that you chances with Tristan are zero and even if they break up who would be with their best friends ex?

That is it will have to wait for part 3 lmao...

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