Part 5

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Everyone was getting off the plane, their own plane for tour traveling purposes, which still boogled your mind as you were departing the jet.

You yawned, having slept for most of the flight due to the early hour that you had to get up to get to the airport on-time, you grabbed your carry-on luggage and looked in the direction of Shannon.

Why doesn't she like me? What have I ever done to have her not like me? You thought to yourself as you looked at Gene as your eyes narrowed at him, because the only person that you seemed to have issues with was Gene, so of course that would mean that you now have issues with Shannon.

You sighed, as you looked away and pulled your luggage behind you, as you departed the plane, all thoughts in your mind gone when you walk down the steps of the plane and onto the tarmac, seeing that Paul was waiting for you a big smile on his face.

"Looks like someone is happy." Eric said sing-songly as he passed you on the tarmac, as he saw Paul's expression fall at that.

Paul pushed the beta as he walked passed him, as Eric tried to push him back in retaliation, but Paul moved out of the way before Eric could touch him.

At first you thought they were going to start fighting, but to your surprise they were both laughing, as you breathed a sigh of relief.

Paul ended up catching Eric and putting him in a fake choke-hold as he used the opportunity to mess up Eric's hair, as Eric tried to bat Paul's hands away.

"Are they always like this?" You ask to yourself aloud, as you hear chuckling behind you, it was Tommy.

"Yeah, pretty much." Tommy said, as you turned around and smiled at him.

"Good i was afraid you know since you two were betas--" You start to say, as Tommy shook his head.

"Just cause Paul's an alpha doesn't mean he's an ass." Tommy said, as your eyes narrowed at the double meaning of that statement.

"Are you saying that---" You start to say, as Gene and Shannon walked passed the two of you and passed Paul and Eric, causing Paul and Eric to stop messing around at the judgemental looks they were getting from the couple.

As you saw the playful side of Paul that you only thought you've seen snap right out, as his eyes narrowed in the direction of Shannon and Gene, as he quickly went to grab his bag that he had dropped on the tarmac previously and looked towards you.

"Come on y/n we have to get going," he said in a stern voice, that made you, Tommy and Eric grab your bags and quickly walk off the tarmac.


"Should i ask what that was about?" you whispered as you got in the car, between Tommy and Eric, while Paul sat in the passenger seat of the car completely silent since the stare-down they all received from Gene and Shannon getting off the plane.

"Ehm, well..." Eric said trying to decide if he should divulge a certain piece of info to you.

"Tell me please. I want to know." you said quietly, as Eric and Tommy shared a look over your head.

"Usually Alphas really can't be around each other." Eric said, as you rolled your yes.

"Yes I know that." You said matter-of-factly.

"Well how come you think Paul and Gene have been able to be together, and also in a band for 40 plus years?" Tommy said quietly, as they all stopped when they heard Paul shift in his seat at the front of the car.

"I'll tell you later." Tommy whispered, as they continued the drive from the airport and to the hotel in silence.


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