Part 6

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After your little tryst in the shower, which surprised even you, considering the significant height difference between you and Paul, you both got out of the shower.

"I don't know about you, but I feel dirtier coming out of the shower then when i went in." You say, as Paul hands you a towel with a smirk on his face.

"Then i did my job correctly y/n." Paul said as he ran a towel through his long hair to dry it, and looked down at you with that same broad smile that he sported when he got off the plane the day before.

"What is up with you?" you asked as Paul shook his head and laughed.

"I could ask you the same thing y/n. These past couple days I mean we haven't had this much sex." Paul said, as you stopped running the towel through your hair to get it to dry faster.

"You think it's cause we aren't home?" You ask, not really giving it much thought.

"Well for me, I don't know your different right now." Paul said, as you looked up at him your eyebrows furrowed.

"Not in a bad way! Something about you is different." Paul said trying to diffuse your reaction, as you raised a brow at him, just as the phone in the hotel rang, as Paul went to go answer it as you continued to dry your hair.

You heard Paul talking to someone on the other line, uttering single-word responses before hanging up the phone.

"Gotta be ready to go soon. We're supposed to show up at the venue soon." Paul said, as he opened up his suitcase and pulled out a quick outfit, and started dressing.

"You know just because we have to leave like now, doesn't mean our conversation is over." You said, pointing at him as he rolled his eyes.

"I know. Despite the fact that you know I wasn't saying it in a negative way, you just smell so good" he said as he pulled a black t-shirt over his head, with a smile on his face.

"Thought we were running late?" You asked, as you quickly grab a flowy dress from your suitcase, dropping the towel on your way back to the bathroom, as you walked in your looked over your shoulder at Paul's eyes go wide, as he took a step towards the bathroom, before you closed the door, and laughed slightly from the other side.

"Omega, you will be the death of me." Paul muttered from the other side, as he chuckled before walking away from the bathroom.

After about a minute, you walked out of the bathroom, and saw that Paul was sitting back on the bed, waiting for you.

"And I thought you would have opened the bathroom door." You said, as you watched as he looked you up and down, then held eye contact with you.

"Omega, you have really think I don't have any self-restraint? I'm not a teenager, I can control myself." Paul said, as you held your hand out for him to take, as you went to grab a pair of boots to slip on, as Paul did the same, before leaving the hotel room.


Once you left the hotel, you both were driven to the concert venue location. You followed behind Paul through the maze that was the underbelly of the venue and to the outside of where he would be getting ready with the rest of the band.

Paul spun around on his heel and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"So I have to get ready, since it takes a couple hours. They were suppose to set an area up for you and Shannon a couple of doors down or a hall down, I don't know its different for every venue location on this tour. But there's food, and my makeup only takes maybe and hour at the most if I'm really taking my time." Paul said reassuringly, as he went to go find the right room.

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