Don't Fear The Blue Eyed Boy

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This is a quick one shot I found in my notes from a while back. Its a little different from all the others but I liked it, so here...

You walk down the school hallways, on your way to your locker, passing through a few of your friends and people who you know but don't like. As you try to unlock the door to it, you glance over to the end of the now empty hallway. You see a small, pale boy staring intently at a Missing Persons poster for one of your fellow classmates. She went missing a few days ago.

You caught yourself staring when he turns and sees you, making deep eye contact. Mesmerized by the blue orbs and gorgeous face, you still knew something odd was up about this boy. And it wasn't the fact he was new, it was that there was something in this boy's eyes that told

You quickly look away, blushing and fiddling with the lock, finally opening it. You grab your Economics book and close the door, taking a look back at the boy. He's no longer there. Anxiousness overwhelms you and you rush to your classroom before the tardy bell rings.


By lunch time, you realized you had two classes with the new boy. He sat in the very back of each class while your friends and you sat in the center. His eyes were glued to his notebook the entire time, which you found odd. He was drawing in it for both class periods.

While you sat and spoke to your friends at the lunch table, your eyes caught sight of the boy sitting alone, drawing. You remembered his name was Richard but he had told the teachers to call him Ricky.

One of your friends asks you a question but you don't listen due to your curiosity of finding out more about this boy.

Suddenly you find yourself staring at him again. Almost as if he knew, he looked up from his notebook and locked eyes with you and smirked.

Embarrassed you got caught staring, you look down and continue eating. When lunch was over, all your friends went off to class but you had an off period, so you could do whatever you wanted. You decided to go down to the library and read.

Once you got there, it was awfully quiet, but then again, it is a library.

You make your way to the back to look for the horror books. You find what you're looking for and head on over to the comfortable section of the library. There are couches, chairs, and beanbag chairs for the students to sit on while they read.

As you approached, you saw a figure clothed in black with his head buried in a notebook. Again, it was Ricky. You question what he's even doing in it but by the time you get close enough, he looks up and locks eye with you again. This time, a mysterious look on his face.

You sit on a couch, far from the chair he's in and begin to read your book. Feeling his blue eyes on you the entire time, you have a hard time focusing on your read.

"You know," you hear a soft monotonous voice speak. "I can tell you're creeped out by me." He chuckles.

You look up and blush, "N-no. It's just weird how I see you with your notebook all the time. Like in 3rd and 4th period." You reply, nervously.

He smirks and shrugs, "I like drawing interesting stuff. Care to see?" You shrug and he walks over to the other side of the couch and sits.

He hands you his notebook and you open it. There's drawings of a black haired girl. Some where he's drawn himself with her, smiling. Others where he's frowning and staring at her. And another where his hand was wrapped around her neck, her face looking horrified while he held a knife to her chin.

Why would he draw such terrifying things?

"W-who is that?" You ask, softly.

"A girl I watch. A girl I want to know. A girl I need to get my hands on." He says, chuckling darkly.

You shift uncomfortably in your seat and take a deep breath.

"Does she go here?"

"Cut the crap, Y/N. You know I've had my eye on you since the moment you saw me in the hallway." He says, harshly.

"How do you know my name?" You ask, quickly.

"We do have classes together, you know." He says with a mouth full of sarcasm.

"Okay. Well, why did you draw yourself strangling me and putting a knife to my face? That's fucking weird, Rick." You spit, eyeing him.

He stiffened, "I hate being called Rick." He growls.

"Whatever you say." You mutter, handing him his notebook and nervously looking down at the book in your lap.

Ricky moves closer to you and you tense up. His hand touches your leg, inching up your thigh. You look up into his blue eyes and almost as if he's got you under a spell, you fell yourself connected with him. Everything he thinks, you think. Everything he does, you let him do. Everything he wants, you let him have.

Ricky didn't fight to have his way with you here on the school's library couch. You allowed him, but only because you felt like you just couldn't deny him.

He grabbed your hips and pushed himself into you as your hands tangled their fingers in his long black hair. You moan his name, letting him in deeper. He grunts as he thrusts in and out of you, slowly. He quickens his pace when it starts feeling too amazing to stop. As you're coming close to your climax, images you've never seen before pop into your head.

The image of Lena, the missing student from the posters, comes into mind. A scene where she's with Ricky, kissing and pulling at his clothes, runs through your head. They start having sex and soon after their climax, Ricky doesn't pull out of her but reaches for shackles to hold her down to the bed. He jerks inside of her.

By this time, you're moaning like crazy. You orgasm all around him, and more images run through your mind.

Lena muffles screams into his hand as he tried to shut her up. Ricky chuckles, bringing a knife to her neck. He smiles beautifully bright and leans down to kiss her head. Lena cries and Ricky jerks inside of her once more.

Ricky takes his turn and stills deeply in, coming apart inside of you, moaning loudly.

He takes the knife and drags it down her chest, stopping in the center. Suddenly, he stabs it into her heart and repeatedly jabs it into her chest. She's throwing up blood all over him but he seems to like it. Ricky then slices her throat open, watching, admiring the blood gushing out of her. He grins, fascinated. Lastly, he takes the knife and cuts deep into her chest. He reaches in and takes her heart, kissing it softly.

Gasping, almost as if coming back from wherever it was you went, you try to push him off and out of you. He murdered Lena! It's because of him she went missing!

"Get out of me! Help! Help me! Someone!" You call for help but he puts his hand over your mouth like he did to Lena in that image.

You forgot the librarian was gone and it was lonely in here.

"Ah, ah, ah," he says, "if you resist, you'll get it worse than she did." He smiles and leans to kiss your forehead.

You squirm underneath him, feeling him jerk inside of you. With one hand he grabs something from his pants pocket and pushes it into your chest. He does this over and over again until you're throwing up blood all over him. He smiles down at you, that sick smile. He slices your throat just like he did her, to silence your screaming. You're not capable of losing eye contact with him. Unable to really react anymore, he plunges it deeper into your chest and grabs your beating, dying heart, bringing it up to his pierced lips and kisses it deeply.

The last image you saw of Ricky Olson, and the last image you saw before you went to the other side, was that of a beautiful blue eyed boy, kissing your bloody heart in his deadly hands.

"Your heart is mine..."






How was it? Tell me your thoughts about this unique one shot. If not, that's cool, too.


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