I Give You My Heart

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I sobbed into his bare chest as he held my crying body with a tight embrace.

"He's definitely not worth it. If he makes you cry more than once, he's a piece of shit." Devin's soothing voice calmed me for the most part.

If I wasn't with him at this moment, I'd be beyond broken.

"How can someone cheat, be so coldhearted and careless about it?!" I asked, hoping he'd have my answer.

Devin remained silent assuring me he didn't have the words I was expecting.

After more silence, I became more confused by it. I slowly picked my head up from his chest and look at Devin.

He...he's crying. But why?

I immediately go to hug him, tightly as if my life depended on it.

"Oh, Dev. What's wrong?" I asked, trying to comfort the guy.

He pulled away and stood. I stared at him as he began to pace around.

"Devin? Everything okay?" I ask, worry filling in my tone.

He stops and looks at me, sadness in his eyes.

"How is it that you haven't even noticed my feelings for you?! And here you fucking are, crying in my arms over some douche bag who doesn't fucking deserve you! Who broke your fragile heart more times than you can count! Look into my eyes and THATS where you'll see true love!" He poured out so much at once, I needed a few minutes to catch every single word he spat at me.

Devin looked so angry. I didn't know what exactly to say. He loves me, my best friend was in love with me and I spent so long without know it. He must be devastated.

"I never saw it...You never showed it. I'm sorry for always coming to you with my boyfriend problems." I whispered.

He shrugged and looked down.

"Its been five years of this feeling! Help me take it away! I don't want to love you this much, Y/N!" He sobbed, angrily.

I stared at him on disbelief. His can someone that beautiful, that handsome, that amazing be interested in a simple tattoo artist like myself?

"Devin, if I would've known this before I would've given you everything. I would've made you the happiest man in the world. Why didn't you ever tell me this?!" My voice rose. "You let me spend two years with a guy who never gave a shit about me! Devin, I could've spent all those years being in love with the most amazing guy I know! You!" I allowed a few tears to fall onto my collarbone.

He scoffed. "So this is my fault?!" He asked.

I scoff right back. "Kinda! You knew how you felt, you knew my situation with Kyle, you knew I would've said yes to-"

"No, I didn't know all of that shit! Well, half of it, maybe, but I didn't have the fucking balls to actually-" I cut his sentence off by grabbing his hard, pale face and slammed his colorless lips to my blood red ones.

He pulled away with a gasp, wife eyes and heavy breath.

"Y/N? We just kissed! You kissed me! Why did you kiss me?!" He freaked out a bit, confusing me.

I shrugged. "I did, because I wanted to...and it was the quickest way to silence your little rant." I sighed, moving away from him.

Devin reached for me again and smiled, sweetly. "You kissed me. I couldn't have asked for a better night. Well, actually, would it be too much if I asked you..." He drifted and sighed.

"Asked me what, dear?" I asked, quietly.

He shook his head and let out a heavy breath. "Never mind it. It was a stupid thought said out loud." I shook my head in frustration.

"Ask me." I said.


"Ask me the damn question, Sola!" I demanded, harsher.

His beautiful gray eyes widened.
"Be mine?" He whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

I smiled, satisfied and nodded. Taking his cold, pale, tattooed hands in mine, I said, "I'd be delighted to be your woman, Mr. Sola." He grinned a cheesy one and bit his thin lip.

"Can I kiss you again, my doll?" He smirked. I leaned in and nodded.

He leaned in as well and our lips connected in almost an instant.

"I love you." He moaned into the kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
"I fucking wove vu!" His speech was muffled with the pressure of my lips.

I giggled onto his lips at it. I pulled away to breath and to say, "I love you too, Devin. I love you so much." He grinned wider and reconnected our lips for a more passionate kiss.

After minutes of sweet lip macking on his couch, he pulled me onto his lap and made me straddle him. His hands held me close and I felt him get excited.

"Lets. Go. Upstairs. Please?" He moaned, softly.

I hesitated and pulled away, sitting besides him again.

"I'd love to but...Kyle and I broke up, literally, three hours ago. I wouldn't feel right taking advantage of my situation. You know, because I'm vulnerable right now..." He sighed and nodded, understanding.

"I completely understand. Its okay, we don't have.to tonight. Maybe tomorrow or when you're ready." I kiss his cheek and nod.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you for accepting my heart." He blushed.

I giggled. "Of course, Dev. You gave me your heart and I'll cherish it forever. Why wouldn't have I accepted that precious thing?" He blushed and sighed, heavily.

"Stay the night?"

"With you?" I joked.

He rolled his eyes. "No, with Ricky." He replied with as much sarcasm.

I nudged him and nodded.
"Yes, I'll stay the night with you, silly." He bit his lip and chuckled.

Devin grabbed my hands and dragged me up the stairs. Though I had said to give myself to him tomorrow or some other time, I couldn't resist this night. This night, I became Devin Sola's woman in every way possible.

Devin's one shot was cute, I thought. Give me yours in the comments.

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