Moving On

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I throw my final pebble at the pond, causing it to skip over it and sigh, letting out a huff before walking down the path to sit on a wooden bench by a big oak tree. My favorite bench at the park.

When the bench is in my sight, I notice a young male, seemingly my age, long black hair, a black beanie placed over it, a solid black tee, ripped black skinny jeans and black vans. So much black.

As I keep walking, I see he has his head buried in his hands as his elbows support on his thighs.

Should I take the empty space next to him or keep walking? He looks sad, depressed by the way he's sitting so maybe sitting beside him would bother him.

I keep walking down the path and pass up the guy, listening to muffled, quiet sobs come from him.

I felt horrible because it pains me when others cry. I stop in my tracks and slowly make my way back to the bench.

He quietly continues crying and I take a seat besides him. When he heard my presence, he silenced himself and looked up but away from me. He moved his hand to his face as if wiping away the tears.

"A-are you okay?" I asked, trying to start the comforting. He didn't look at me yet but sighed, heavily then cleared his throat.

"I'm fine, leave me alone." He hissed.

My eyes widened and I felt offended. How rude of him!

"I was just trying to help but whatever!" I hissed right back just as venomous.

The blue eyed boy finally turned to me and gaped his lips, slightly.

I stood and began walking down the path once again.

"Hold up, I'm s-sorry!" He called, stopping me again. I slowly turn to him with a small eye roll.

"I was only trying to be nice but you-"

"I know! I'm sorry..." He whispered. "Sit...if you want." He patted the empty spot beside him.

I sit and look at the concrete ground before us. We sat in silence until his soft voice broke it.

"What's your name?"



I smile and nod, "Well, nice to meet you, Ricky."

"You too, Y/N." He smiled, sweetly.

"I don't mean to be nosy but...I noticed you were sobbing terribly. What happened, if you don't mind me asking, Ricky." Ricky dropped his head and sniffled.

"I guess if I air it out, I'll feel a bit better, huh?" I nod and let him continue. "To be honest with you, I shouldn't even be crying over this. She's not worth it anymore."

I raise an eyebrow. "This is over a girl?" I question.

"Its stupid. My girlfriend...ex girlfriend, who has cheated on me constantly, finally broke me down. I've tooken her back several times, given her multiple chances and she goes and sleeps around with my friend...ex friend." He growls, showing his anger and frustration.

"Woah, I'm sorry. I mean you seem like a great guy and I don't see why anyone would hurt you."

"You're just saying that..."

"No I'm not. You're very attractive, Ricky. From what I can tell, you're sweet and have heart. You know how to love and that shows you're special. If that girl didn't want you after everything you've been through, move on." Ricky stared at me, into my eyes and sat in silence.

"I'm no stranger to that feeling, Rick. We've all been there. The solution to bettering that ache in your precious heart is just moving on. Let go and if it's too difficult for you to do that, you're just asking for pain." A single tear fell from his eye.

He quickly wiped it and nodded, looking at his tattooed hands. I examined them. HOPELESS.

"Thank you, Y/N." He whispered, quietly. "I'll do just that, move on and forget about her." He sighed, adding a sniffle at the end.

"Would you like to go for coffee?" I asked. "It will calm your nerves."

He looks up, showing me his pretty blue eyes and nods.

"Starbucks across the street?" He suggests.

I stood and nodded, happily. "I can get to know you on a better sense." He smiles and stands as well.

"Lets go." He chuckles.



This guy is amazing. He's a professional guitarist in a successful metal band, has a great personality, drives girls wild, loves HIM, writes music, adores cats...everything he does and likes is perfect.

"A-and when we're done playing a fucking show, Chris slaps my ass as a routine." Ricky laughs.

I giggled and imagined the guy Ricky showed me a picture of, slapping his ass. I would do the same. It's a cute little ass ;)

"You seem to live a good life." I smiled.

He nodded and calm his laughs.

"I love every part of it except...when I get into relationships." He frowned and looked at his coffee.

"It's okay. I myself find it difficult to forgive and forget but once I realise I'm ready to stop hurting, I forgive that person. Are you ready to let go yet, Ricky? Do you want to let go of Jessica?" I asked, watching Ricky grip his coffee cup, nervously.

"I want to...I just can't right This moment. I need time." He whispered, looking down at his tattooed knuckles.

"That's okay. You'll get to that place soon." I smiled, sweetly.

He looks up at me with shiny blue eyes. "How, I've never been there before. I've never tried to let her go."

I take his hands in mine and look deep into his eyes.

"I'll help you any way that you need..."

This was Rickys. Hope it was cute.

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