A Sign Lost In The Abyss

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'Ow. Son of a Bitch" Brians thick NY accent was heavy, "That's the 3rd time I've walked in to that table." Annoyed he finally found his way around said table and placed down a box labeled "closet"he had in his hand.

Maren let out a low chuckle, "Not sure that's really the tables fault babe."   The day had finally arrived. Moving day was here. In the three days since they spoke after what happened with Jason, arrangements where finally made and here we are. The room was scattered with random furniture and boxes everywhere.  The cats where jumping on top of things and people were in and out all day. But Maren and Brian were now under the same house.

"And that should be it!" Maren shut the front door and turned around relaxing against it.  The maze of cardboards boxes and furniture still ran through the house, but it was now just the two of them.

"Is that door locked?" Brian wondered as he lifted up a casserole dish from a box labeled "Kitchen" and looked at it oddly.

Maren smiled at him adorably. Turning back to check the lock, she jumped a bit when the doorbell rang.

"One of the movers maybe forgot something" Brian said as he pulled up another perplexing object from the box, a fondue pot.

"Think you should answer it babe. I have a feeling it might be for you" Maren smiled as she made her way over towards him.

Quickly Brian's body became deflated. He annoyingly looked over at her. "Oh god, did you invite my mother?"

Maren chuckled before pecking his cheek with a kiss, "No babe. Trust me. Go answer it."

Brian locked his questioning eyes on hers as he made his way over to the door. Unlocking it he turned the knob quickly.
"Good Evening, sir I have a delivery for a Brian Quinn," a delivery man stood before him holding out a pen and a clipboard. 

Brian looked around for a package before he realized the man was now walking towards a truck that was backed in to the driveway. Scribbling his name on the paper, he turned back to Maren. "If this is a bit for the show right now and any one of the guys pop out of a box naked or something, you are SO in for it because it's been a long day ..." Brian said unsure if even he was joking or not.

Maren, who was now by his side lifted up his arm playfully and snuggled underneath it, "Nope. Not it."

The delivery man slowly walked a huge box down the ramp of his delivery truck. Brian couldn't quite make out what it was until the man had it on about the 3rd step up the walkway towards the front door.

"You didn't."  Brian's head snapped in Maren's direction as his hand clapped over his mouth. His eyes completely wide.

"I did." she shrugged beaming almost jumping off the ground a little with excitement.

"Wow, you guys are dealing with a lot of boxes today! I was given direction to deliver this downstairs and set it up. Mr. Quinn would like to show me where you'd like it set up?"

"Sorry, yes of course, come with me. " he said walking in front of the driver before turning back towards Maren, "You. I love you and can't believe you did this."

"I love you too! " Maren said kissing him back. Her heart happy as she watched him basically skip away like a little child.


Maren was organizing a few things in the pantry when Brian and the delivery man could be heard coming up from the basement. They were both talking excitedly.

"Thanks so much Mr Quinn. It was great meeting you. Thank you for the picture and the tip. Love the show," the delivery driver shook Brian's hand.

Brian shook his back, "My pleasure Bud, thanks so much for coming out, drive safe."

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