...He Pulls Away

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"Hello?!" Kelsey exclaimed clapping her hands in front of Maren's face. "Space cadet, you in there?"

Maren shot back to reality spilling a little bit of her wine in the process. "Sorry." She apologized shaking the cobwebs out.

"You aren't seriously thinking of saying no, are you?!" Kelsey shouted getting the attention of people nearby.

Maren looked around horrified, quietness was not a skill her best friend possessed.  "Would you keep it down!" She responded in a harsh whisper giving an apologetic wave to a group of older women that looked less than impressed.

"But you are?" Kelsey stared dumbfounded. "Oh my god!" She shouted again, still not caring about her volume. "Maren you are gonna break that man's heart."

"Hey loudmouth!" Maren responded snapping her fingers to bring Kelsey back down to the planet Earth. "Of course I wanna move in with him. I'm just..."

"Nervous." Kelsey finished her sentence for her. "Yeah I know Maren but you really gonna live in fear forever? He's not Jason, nor will he ever be Jason."

"That's not what I was going to say." Maren snapped getting annoyed with her friend's abruptness.

"Another round please." Kelsey called out to the bartender walking by.

"What I was going to say is I'm just a little unsure on how his mother is going to take it." Maren said.

"You really gotta get off this train." Kelsey responded with an eye roll. "I've met his mother several times, that woman couldn't be any nicer."

Maren raised her eyebrows as she took a sip from her drink that was just dropped off. Kelsey was right, Carol was very nice even to her. However since the first time Brian had brought Maren to his parents' house in Pennsylvania when they got back from Europe, there was this weird tension between the two women. Brian refused to acknowledge it or even listen to Maren when she expressed her uneasiness about it. Maren knew deep in her heart that Carol Quinn wasn't a fan of Maren dating her son and she knew it all stemmed from her past photos.

"Let's say for argument sake, you're right. She doesn't like you. Are you gonna let that keep you from moving forward with him?" Kelsey asked giving Maren a moment to process her question. "You both deserve to be happy. Come on Mar...waking up next to your man everyday. Think about how huge this is?" Kelsey kept pushing.

Maren smiled at the thought. It wasn't like she hadn't wracked her brain over the thought for the last 6 months. Nothing was better to her than snuggling up at night and the early morning hours with Brian. He always held her so close when he was asleep and it never made her feel more wanted...more loved in her whole life. "You gonna help me find moving boxes or what?" Maren asking looking up from her glass smiling brightly.

"Girl!!" Kelsey squealed with delight.
Brian: I'll be home sooner than expected. This rain doesn't seem to be letting up so we're stopping early today.

Maren smiled at her incoming text. She was already on her way to Brian's and was even more excited to see him than usually because tonight she was going to finally give him the answer he was waiting for.

Maren: How are you getting home if it's raining?

It dawned on Maren that Brian took his bike to work today and if they were canceling an IJ shoot, the rain must be pretty bad.

Brian: Same way I got here...

Maren: Isn't that dangerous?

Brian: I'll be fine honey. You worry too much. Love you.

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