3. Italian Mafia

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Alec's POV


"New York?... Cosa ci fa lì?... Va bene, padre. Parliamo più tardi," I sighed as I hang up the phone and ran a hand through my hair. (Translation: What is he doing there?... Ok, father. We'll talk later)

Angelo fucking Vinati again. He's been a pain on the ass for a long time now. Way too long if you ask me. He's just a power thirsty bastard who only cares for himself and his money. There hasn't been any attack from him in around ten months, but I knew the 'peace' wouldn't last long. And I was right.

The information my father had just provided me with through the phone was enough proof. Vinati has traveled to the States and has been seen on the lookout for our territories in the east coast, maybe to try and take them. As if I'd ever let that happen, over my damn dead body. But the most concerning matter is that, a few hours ago, my spy in the Russian mafia, another enemy of ours, told me that their leader, Nikolai Smirnov, had also traveled there. Coincidence much? I don't think so.

I went out of my office and saw that my best friends and inner circle in the mafia were hanging out in the living room. I really liked seeing them like this, carefree and relaxed. When they were not doing business, they were all goofballs. And sometimes even I am one, although those moments are rare. It's not that I don't enjoy joking around with my friends, but I'm the future Capo and my responsibilities come first. I can't show emotion to anyone.

"Aly! Come sit with us, bro!" Josh exclaimed, making my presence known.

"Josh, I told you one million times to stop calling me Aly," I said while taking a seat between David and Nathan. I would never admit it out loud, but I secretly love the nickname. I just don't want that to get into his head.

"Hey! Don't complain! I should be the one complaining because you work too much. It's bad for your health, Aly," he said completely ignoring what I just told him. I just rolled my eyes. Josh is the mother hen of the group and always complains that I work too much, but it is what it is. One day I'm going to take over the mafia and it won't run by itself.

"Anyways, I heard uncle called. What did he want?" Nathan asked me.

I sighed. "We've got a problem. Both Vinati and Smirnov are in New York, and I'm afraid they aren't there for a romantic trip together. My dad suspects they are planning on attacking our territory there. They know that the man who took care of the business there died a few years ago and now someone new is still getting used to it, so they must be taking advantage of that."

"They want the East Coast?" Nathan curiously questioned.

"It looks like it. My father said he was going to gather more information. But I'm pretty sure we'll have to travel there ourselves to solve this whole thing out," I said.

"Can't we just kill the dudes?" Hunter suggested.

"You know is not that easy, Hunt," David answered him and he rolled his eyes.

While the others were making small talk, Nathan passed me the bottle of whiskey, asking me with his eyes if I wanted some. I took it, giving him a grateful nod, and poured myself a glass. Just as I was done gulping the shot down, my phone pinged signaling me that I had a new message. I checked it and saw it was my father sending me what he could find.

"Guys!" They all looked at me expectantly. "It's my father."

"What did he say?" David asked.

I read the text carefully and my eyes widened a bit, but I covered it soon. My father wants us to work with another gang? What the fuck?

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