73. One Million Questions

912 39 6

Alec's POV

Bianca's tardiness and lack of contact with us was starting to worry me. She was supposed to be here by now so I couldn't help the unsettling feeling that formed at the pit of my stomach. It was a change I had noticed in myself ever since we started dating. Every time she was involved in a dangerous situation and I couldn't get a hold of her, my mind travelled to the worst case scenarios possible; no matter how hard I tried to fight against the pessimistic thoughts.

I was pacing back and forth in front of the awaiting car that would take us to the airport. I constantly checked my watch and the security cameras while ignoring the others' occasional pleads for me to stop. But I simply couldn't.

I couldn't stop pacing nor worrying, not when it came to her. The fear of losing her overpowered all of my rational thoughts and all I wanted was for her to come through those doors safe and soundly. I wasn't bothering to hide those feelings in front of them, not caring that they don't know about our relationship yet, because neither was I too ashamed of it nor did I care to think about that right now.

After about ten minutes, I couldn't hold it any longer. My mind didn't allow me to stay there and wait for something bad to happen, almost forcing my body to move towards the main door.

"Aly, where are you going?"

Ignoring Josh's question and the calls for my name, I stormed into the building, gun in hand and only one focus in mind; finding my Bianca.

It was silent except for the low murmur coming from the casino Bianca was supposed to be in. A small tint of satisfaction filled me when I saw all the bodies were gone, meaning my cleaning team has already taken them out just as I had ordered them. Lifting my gaze from the floor to scan the hallways, the concern came rushing back when I still didn't spot her.

Suddenly, a small body crashed against mine, latching to me as if their life depended on it. My brain told me to snap at them; however, that order changed the minute I saw who it was.

A panting Bianca was burying her head on my chest, but I did not fail to notice the panicked state she was in. Wide-eyed, I immediately clung back into her, ignoring the confusion and my increasing concern for her.

She clutched onto my shirt and cried her heart out, her sobs like daggers breaking my heart. Her knees gave out and I used my arms to support her body, wrapping them around her waist and bringing her closer to my chest in order to provide her with warmth and comfort.

I was confused as to what happened to lead her to this state, but I knew that right now was no time for questions. However, I felt that someone was responsible for this and I swear that they were going to pay for it. They will wish that they were never born. Knowing the proud side of Bianca, she probably won't tell me who's the culprit, but that will be no problem, I'll find out anyway. And that's a promise.

"Calm down, amore," I soothed her as I ran a hand through her hair, not knowing quite well what to do. (Love)

I kept whispering reassuring words that came to my mind and soon her shallow breaths went back to normal as her cries died down. She sniffled while lifting her head up, staring up at me with those green orbs that haven't left my mind since I saw them for the first time.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her and she meekly nodded.

"Please, let's get out of here," she whispered, leaning her forehead against my chest.

I nodded and leaded her out of the place, me myself just wanting to leave this city once and for all. Too many things have already happened here and I don't want any other mishaps.

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