For Freedom and Honor

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Chaos erupted at the confirmation that the Devil's Thorn had found our hideout. We ushered the children into one of the homes and sent in a few guards to protect them. The rest of us gathered our guns and ran down the tunnels. Candy was left with the children as she was due to give birth in a week. We ran back down the tunnel and quickly split up, two people each going to a separate access point.

My heart was beating fast in my chest as I stood with Yusuf upon a small ledge. We heard shouts as the slaves of the Devil's Thorn began to fall into our traps. We saw Black Hawk and Waleed get a long branch to begin working on the loose pile of rocks we had collected. There were shouts and curses, probably from the leaders of the Devil's Thorn.

With a grunt of agony the rocks slid loose and tumbled down the mountainside. Screams sounded as the rocks crushed anyone who couldn't get out of the way. Others jumped to the side only to tumble down into space and land on the valley floor below. For days before the attacks we had begun learning all the pathways to and from our village. We learned where to avoid stepping where the traps were. Our children knew not to go near the edge of the rocky overhangings that were scattered throughout the mountains and to stay behind the fencing when they went to collect water. We knew this land better than most people.

We had been busy fortifying our home. The mountains and snow created natural barriers. But we also had gathered loose rocks and piled them at various points to tumble down upon the invaders. In addition there were small holes laden with spikes that we had covered with tree branches and what leaves we could find. These were doing some damage but we hadn't expected the Devil's Thorn to be so strong.

In a way I felt bad for the people who were dying. They were probably forced to be in the service of this secret society. If only we could help them turn on their masters and join our side. Yet I also knew that loyalty was strong, especially if you had grown up in that type of environment. It wouldn't be easy for them to turn their backs on their masters even if they were cruel.

It wasn't long before the first of the slaves crested the rocky outcroppings and pulled themselves up over the ledge. I pulled the trigger and fired. The bullet hit one of the people in the head and he tumbled over and down. Shots rang out as we fired at the people as they came up the mountain sides. But soon there were more people than we could handle and we were forced back while the Devil's Thorn slaves advanced forward.

Below us the Muslim converts were fighting as well. I could hear their screaming through the tunnel behind me. One of them came running through the tunnel, his arm lying useless at his side. He threw a grenade over the edge of the mountain which exploded sending body parts flying through the air. We could hear the cawing of the crows overhead. They were circling high above us and waiting for the battle to end so they could feast on the dead.

Shots were fired as we ran and took cover. Even if we all died here we couldn't let them get to the village. The children were our last hope of survival. The last free Muslims in the world as the major population of Muslims had been destroyed in the past few months.

"Your religion is dead Muslims. Lay down your weapons and we'll make your death quick."

"We'll never leave Islam! We fight for our religion, our lives, our freedom, and our honor," Ahmed shouted.

"Then death shall take you."

"No. If we die then Allah will take us. Death only comes to us of Allah's will."

We kept firing. Suddenly there was an explosion that rocked the entire mountain. I glanced behind me and smelled smoke. The slaves had detonated grenades and had killed our livestock and the non-Muslims who had come with us to Sweden. Already the crows were starting to come lower to the battle.

Jamal was shot suddenly in the chest and slumped to the ground. I picked up his gun and continued firing at the wave of slaves who came over the gap. Around me I could see and hear the cries of my people as well as the slaves. Suddenly I felt something hit me and knock me to the ground. It was one of the slaves. She had been shot by one of her own people.

I pushed the woman off of me and ran down the tunnel. Fifteen of the Devil's Thorn slaves came after me but they couldn't get used to the twists and turns of the tunnel. I used that to my advantage and took them out one-by-one. But more were coming. I could hear shouting as they stumbled in the darkness and splashes as some fell into the water. If I wasn't careful I would be overwhelmed by their forces and meet my fate in this tunnel alone.

Without warning Yusuf appeared next to me. "Parasa! Are you hurt?"

"No. Where are the others?"

"They're still outside fighting. Waleed's been hit in the shoulder."

"What are you doing here Yusuf?"

"Black Hawk wanted me to go back and help the Muslims who are watching the children and Candy."

One of the slaves appeared out of nowhere. "They're here! I got two right here!"

Yusuf raised his rifle and shot the slave in the face. We backed down the tunnel. Afraid that they would follow us to the village we quickly split up which caused the slaves to split up as well. As three slaves darted down the tunnel leading to the village two of our guards appeared and fired. They quickly worked to collapse the tunnel wall which would block one of the entrances to the village.

The caves that had long ago been etched into the mountainside shielded us from view. It was like a beehive with multiple entries and exits. The village was like the center of a beehive, it had numerous tunnels that led to it. I heard some scraping at the rock and explosions. They were blocking off the entrances to the tunnel. This would end up entrapping us in the village but it would also work to keep the Devil's Thorn at bay while we made our escape.

Outside on the rock ledge the Lords stood watching the carnage with smirks. Twenty people stood around them armed with rifles. The Muslims were being pushed back into the mountain itself and the slaves were pursuing them in great haste.

"Soon our problem will be over. At last Islam will be extinguished from the earth and we can rest in peace," Lord Grainger said.

"They have nowhere to run. Why do they go into the mountain," Lord Haunter asked.

"Perhaps they have something to hide. Let's follow them and see where they take us."

They waved their hands and the slaves followed their masters into the tunnels.

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