Distant Cry

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The tunnels were silent except for the gurgling stream that ran swiftly down the mountainside. They could hear the screams of the dying and their footprints left bloody tracks along the tunnel floor. The Muslims were being pushed back towards their village and little did they know that they were leading the Devil's Thorn directly into their home.

The Lords walked behind their guards down the twisting tunnels that snaked inside the mountain. Two slaves were carrying a box of grenades. These would be used to destroy as many Muslims as possible if they were in a group.

For the slaves of the Devil's Thorn the tunnels of the mountains reminded them of home. They took great care to not destroy the beauty of their masters' castle. They just wanted this war to end and be able to go home. It was not the best life in the world but it was something.

As the flickering torches passed the walls they saw Arabic calligraphy on the walls. They were not sure what the writing said but they sensed it held a deep meaning for the Muslims who lived here. A few of them dared pause to gaze at the writing before they were shot and fell to the ground.

"Nobody is to look at any of this terrorist writing," Lord Liqustor ordered.

Soon they came to one of the blocked tunnels. They opened the box and threw a grenade at the enclosed wall of rocks. Ten seconds later the way was clear and some slaves quickly went through. They searched for more blocked entrances and again blew these open. And again the slaves went through.

"What are they hiding," Lord Haunter asked.

"Possibly their children. An army of elephants and mountain goats?"

A shot rang out and then another and another. Soon a volley of bullets came down the tunnel and the slaves turned and ran for cover. Five Muslims appeared and began shooting at the advancing army. Soon they were cries of pain all around them as more guards appeared. They were trying desperately to protect their village and their children.

"Let the hunter dogs loose."

Terrified the slaves rushed to obey their masters' order. Snarling the hunter dogs surged out of the cages as they were opened and sprang at the Muslims. There were cries of pain and shots as the hunter dogs began taking down the Muslims. Blood sprayed the walls and ceilings of the tunnels as the vicious beasts tore the Muslims apart. Cowering behind boulders the slaves held their hands over their ears in order to stop the horrible sounds of death.

"Don't let them get to the village," Blaze shouted as a hunter dog tore open his vocal chords. He sank beneath the dog as it used its powerful jaws to crush his life's breath from his body.

Shots continued to ring out at the dogs and slaves who fought with the Muslims. Casualties were heavy on both sides but the slaves of the Devil's Thorn managed to endure due to their sheer numbers. They struggled to keep the Devil's Thorn at bay but were soon beaten slowly back toward the village. Realizing they were losing the Muslims threw their guns down and charged into the oncoming army pulling out swords and slashing everything and everyone in their path. They weren't about to die without a fight.

Suddenly there was an explosion. One of the Muslims had gotten ahold of the grenades and was throwing them at the oncoming army. Two of the hunter dogs died in the explosion and the slaves silently cheered. They hated the hunter dogs as much as the Muslims did.

"God is great! God is all powerful," Black Hawk shouted before a bullet hit him between the eyes.

Stunned by their leader's death the former slaves of the Devil's Thorn ended up fleeing back towards the village. The hunter dogs tore after them and brought them down. Ahead was a light. This was the entrance to the village. Without meaning to, the Muslims had led the Devil's Thorn right to their home.

Desperately the remaining Muslims fired shot after shot at the Devil's Thorn and their slaves but nothing slowed them. Terrified they ran towards the home where the children were. If they had to die they would make their last stand there. The leaders of the Devil's Thorn drew out the grenades and threw them at the buildings. Houses exploded in a shower of stone and clay.

Two of the Muslims quickly helped Candy to her feet and led her out the back way. They were trying to get her to safety. But two slaves saw them and fired. The Muslims helping Candy escape were killed instantly and she was shot in the back and fell to the ground. Inside the children were screaming as the slaves tore through the door. Shots rang out as the Muslims fired but it was useless. No matter how many people they shot there were more coming through the door. They were trapped.

Not wanting to harm the children a few of the slaves turned on their comrades and began firing while others quickly ushered the children outside. But the dogs were on them as soon as they appeared. Terrified the children bolted for the tunnel that they knew would lead down to the valley. But an onslaught of gunfire ensued and they fell never to move again.

In the mayhem that ensued Candy had been crawling desperately toward the exit tunnel. Noticing her escape a few of the slaves began firing at their own people. They were trying to give her time to get away. This time the guards surrounding the Lords ended up shooting at the traitor slaves. They bombed the rest of the homes and soon stone and clay lay in a mixture of blood and bodies.

"So the world has finally rid itself of Islam. At last we can rest easy knowing those rotten terrorists are extinguished from the earth. Finally we can rule the world," Lord Grainger shouted gleefully.

They stared at the carnage and then turned away vanishing back down the tunnels and back to their plane. Whimpering in pain Candy dragged herself down the escape tunnel. On top of her wounds she could feel the beginnings of contractions. Biting her lips to keep from crying out she struggled to deliver the baby that had grown inside her for nine months. She pulled herself up and leaned against the stone wall as her body was wracked in agonizing pain. As a horrible contraction forced her to knees she cried out in pain.

Hearing the sound of a scream one of the guards turned back and stood listening. He hurried down the tunnel and back into the village. Listening he followed the sound down a tunnel they had not seen earlier. He walked down the tunnel listening intently and following the trail of blood. He jumped as a rat came out between his feet. Frightened he ran back to the rest of the Devil's Thorn but remained quiet about the screams he had heard. Perhaps it was only his imagination. There had been a lot of screaming today and he wanted to forget everything.

Candy cried out again as wave after wave of contractions riddled her broken body. A piece of rock had fallen on her cracking her head open when the grenade had gone off that had destroyed the home she and the children had been staying in. Two hours passed as she lay there struggling to give birth though she had no idea if her baby was alive or dead. With a forceful push the baby came out and fell to the floor. Gasping for breath Candy held the child in her arms and her eyes closed. She had slipped into death's embrace.

The Devil's Thorn had wandered off the mountain and gone to their plane. Appearing out of nowhere a figure blocked the tunnel exit. The figure walked through the tunnel to where Candy's body lay and stared at the sad scene. In the flickering light of a torch the figure bent down and picked up the baby. "May Allah protect you from harm little orphan." Far away the pitiful sound of a newborn babe echoed out of the escape tunnel.

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