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Embera was woken up by the loud sound of her metal door opening, the red-haired squinted her eyes trying to catch a better view, her room was dark, it had to be late at night, Embera sat on her bed, she saw Yon-Rogg walking with both of his hands ...

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Embera was woken up by the loud sound of her metal door opening, the red-haired squinted her eyes trying to catch a better view, her room was dark, it had to be late at night, Embera sat on her bed, she saw Yon-Rogg walking with both of his hands behind his back, his golden eyes glimmering on the darkroom. It was too early for training, so Embera imagined the new Kree had arrived, Embera stood up and nodded her head at her commander, for him it was clear that he needed to leave the room and let her change into her training clothing, Embera had her uniform already set out on her chair so it could be easier for her to get ready and do it quickly.

"So remind me her name." Embera zipped her jacket over her body, her hair picked up in a high ponytail moved side to side with every step she took. Yon-Rogg let out a deep sigh, taking a glance at the woman, he didn't say a word at her, not until they arrived to another room, it was a lab, Kree's surrounding a table, Embera took a glance behind shoulders and saw her.

"Her name is Vers, lost memory during a Skrull attack, she hasn't been compromised." Yon-Rogg spoke. "I brought you here Embera, because you will help me, help her." Embera nodded her head, her eyes returning to look at the Kree, she saw how her teammates surrounded her as if she were an animal ready to wake up and attack.

"And what are we waiting for?" Her voice was with questioning instead of a defying tone. Yon-Rogg walked past her, the two headed towards the metallic door that will take them inside the lab.

Machinery sounds were heard all over the four walls, Embera could remember the first and only time she had been here, Yon-Rogg said it was for the greater good, a small implant was set in the back of her neck, her sister was just behind the screen, being the one in charge of making it happen. Two weeks later Firea was dead inside this same room and Embera didn't dare to walk in again after that day, but here she stood, a few feet away the body of her sister laid.

"Embera have you listened to the orders?" Embera blinked, her attention had been zoned out of the room, Yon-Rogg sighed and turned to look at the Kree. "Care to repeat the orders?"

"Vers will train with you every morning starting tomorrow, if she asks a question about her past you will tell her she has to talk to her superior," Kree turned to look at Yon "Yon-Rogg, if she wants answers is him, you shall not start conversations of past memories, the last thing we want is two troubled Kree's whose powers are still learning to control, to combust in a training ground." Embera nodded her head and saw the two Kree doctors helping the asleep Vers move.

The Kree warriors dropped the "new" recruit in her room, Embera sighed leaning against the wall close to the door, she watched how her people were careful around the other. She had too many questions but she knew that she couldn't say a word, she knows that she doesn't have to ask, unless she wanted to get in trouble. The newest member hummed in her sleep, unaware of her surroundings, Embera even felt bad, she wanted to stay and keep her company, she imagined how scared she could be when she woke up and didn't see anything she could recognize.

"Is there something bothering you Embera?" Yon-Rogg's voice echoed around her, the redhead shook her head but she could feel his gaze on her.

"Isn't someone going to stay with her? She doesn't know about us, she doesn't have family here probably, maybe she'll get scared." Embera said out loud her previous thoughts, she wasn't breaking any rule, it was a valid question that any other Kree would've asked, right?

"Don't you worry about Vers, Minoo is going to stay with her, now let's leave and when she wakes up we will be introducing ourselves to her and give a tour, before we can start planning her training hours." Yon-Rogg left the room, Embera following behind just a few steps away with her hands behind her back.

"Is there anything else to do?" Embera questioned, she already felt awake, ready to do some training or going to battle, it might take a while before Vers even woke up and started asking questions.

"Training grounds, we must see if your powers are under control, we might have a mission not to far from the future for you to join in." Yon-Rogg answered, his voice cold towards the Kree warrior. Embera felt excitement building up with the thought of being able to go and fight with her people, bring justice and be welcomed or respected by the other Krees.


"Again" Yon-Rogg with both fists up commanded the fallen Kree. "You know this already Embera, again."

Embera groaned, pushing herself up from the ground and wiping the sweat off her forehead, she positioned her body ready for another fight, her right fist punching towards Yon-Rogg left side, seeing how he dodge her hit she threw another punch upward with her left, failing miserably by just a few inches of his face. Yon-Rogg grabbed her right arm bending it back, Embera bit down her scream and went for a head punch, her forehead hitting strongly his nose, making the other lose his balance and letting free the redhead.

"Now that's what we meant Embera." Yon-Rogg exclaimed, wiping the blood streaming down his nose, taking longs steps towards her and throwing punches Embera dodged now.

Left, Right, Down. The order Yon-Rogg three had been saved on Embera's mind, she knew the combination now, perfectly for her to attack back, when Yon-Rogg threw a left she dodge right hitting his  left ribs to make him bend in pain, twirling her right feet under his legs she saw how her commander's body hit the floor, pressing her knee on his chest and smiling down at her victory.

"And I didn't loose my temper this time." She said standing up and pushing her hand down for him. "Can we call it a day?" her heavy breathing made her lungs feel like they were on fire, she needed a break, her body ached already and all she wanted was water.

"Just for today." Yon-Rogg took her hand and pushed himself up, a smile across his lips while his yellow-golden eyes squinted "How did you do it Embera? How did you control your powers?"

Embera felt as if this were a trick question, if she gave an answer maybe she would be locked up again, but there was also the possibility that he had indeed curious about it.

"I thought of my sister, our happy memories only." Embera spoke the truth, while she fought, she controlled her breathing and focused on her happy life with her sibling, whenever she felt a sad memory wanting to break in, she threw a punch at Yon-Rogg.

"Well that's progress, it's good that you had found a way to focus anger in something else, if we continue using that method, you'll be in the field in no time."

"So that means I'm joining you on your next mission?" Embera asked, she controlled her excitement and asked in her most serious and calm tone, she didn't want emotions to get in the way.

"Not yet, your biggest test is coming soon," Embera tilted her head as she looked at her commander "Vers, training her and being around her will be the next test for you, seeing if you're capable of controlling emotions and being capable of avoiding questions that you don't have to answer. That's the test."

Embera imagined something easier, maybe this was easy, but she wasn't going to call it a victory yet. Vers was going to be a hard test to pass, if she knew emotions were going to be involved, specially from the new Kree, someone who's scared and confused. Emotions are Embera's biggest enemy, they are the reason why she's been locked away, but, she had to become the cold Kree member she has trained to be, she had to, for her own good.

EMBERA | CAROL DANVERSWhere stories live. Discover now