Chapter 10 Edited

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As I am running out, Chris pulls up with Bella in the passenger seat. I stop and Bella’s side door opens, and she gets out of the truck. “Hey mom, Chris picked me up when I was walking by his house.” She says with a big smile on her face. “Oh sorry I took a shower when I got back from lunch with Chris, I was just coming to get you.” Just then the driver side door opened and out came Chris. “Hey I hope it’s okay I picked up Bella I knew we would be going out tonight and didn’t want Bella to get hot and sweaty walking home.” “ No that’s fine, I’m glad she didn’t have to walk all the way home by herself.”

“ Great how long will it take y’all to get ready for dinner?” Me and Bella look at each other. “It depends on where we’re going for dinner.” “ I was thinking Kobe’s.” Bella squeals hopping up and down then said. “ Yay it will take thirty minutes.” I just shake my head and quietly laugh “You can come in and wait inside if you would like.” Chris hits a button on his key fob and says “Great lead the way.” We all go inside and Chris immediately goes to the couch and takes a seat. I say “ We will be out shortly.”  

Me and Bella both head into my room. Bella heads straight for my closet and pulls out a pair of dark wash capris and a blouse from my closet. . “Here mom this will look good together with the white gold hoop earing’s you never wear. “If you say so kid.” I get undressed and dress in what she picked out. I walk into the bathroom as Bella is finishing applying eyeliner. She turns and says “here mom let me do yours.” She puts it on me and then hands me some tinted lip gloss. “No Bella I don’t want to wear lip gloss and have to keep applying it all night.” She rolls her eyes and says: “Fine mom.”

Bella runs to her room to change her pants. I walk out into the living room after grabbing some sandals. Chris looks up from his phone as me and Bella walk out of our rooms. “You too look Beautiful, are you ready to go now?” “Yes” we say at the same time. Chris stands and heads toward the door and we follow. I close and lock the door.  

Chris starts light conversation about the plans to eat dinner and go he. Bella looks so happy and excited. “Sounds good to me.” Chris smiles and nods his head. We arrive at Kobe’s and as we walk up to the restaurant Chris grabs my hand and we walk inside. After Chris talks to the hostess he comes over to me and Bella by the Coy pond. “It will just me a few minutes.” Chris says. Bella is going on and on about what she plans on buying and Chris is chiming in on what is the best of the best on whatevter electronic they are talking about.  

The hostess calls out “Chris” and we all follow her to the table, which has a giant flat top grill sitting in the middle of it. Chris pulls out the middle chair and motions for me to sit, so I sit and then he pulls out Bella’s chair and she sits we both thank him and he says “you’re welcome” and then goes and sits in his chair next to me. The waitress comes and takes our drink and food orders, and tells us the chef will be out shortly. The chef comes out with a very that has all this stuff on it that he was need for cooking including the meats veggies and noodles we ordered. "Bell bounces in her seat and chairs her hands lightly "this is so exciting."  Chris looks over at Bella "I am glad you like it." The chef introduces himslf and then begins a little show while he cooks our food. It was pretty cool how he stacke the onions up and then lit them on fire. The whole show we watched happily.

After the chef was done and we started eating I say. "The food is amazing." Bella  and chris nod their heads in agreement. We eat our food randomly pausing to ask each other questions and then go back to eating. Chris asks Bella a question about her grandparents and Bella responds. "Grandmas lives about an hour away and I go spend time with her sometimes during the summer. My PaPa Dean I hardly ever see anymore even though he doesn't live that far away. He was mean to my mom." I nearly choke one because I didn't know Bella knew why we didn't go see her PaPa anymore, and two, I am now wondering if she heard what he said that was mean. Chris pats my back and asks if I am okay and I nod my head as I finallyget my windpipe cleared.

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