Chapter 8 edited

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     "Can I ask you a question?" I ask Chris. "Absolutely." he answers. "Well, I know we are all going out to dinner tonight, and I see that you and Bella get along pretty well. I guess my question is are we dating? I see you as a friend and I would like to be more, but I do not know what your intentions are and it would be helpful if I did." he is quiet and it makes me think that I'm moving too fast or made something out of nothing.

He finally answers after what feels like forever. "I would hope we are moving towards more than friends, I guess I would consider us as more than friends, and soon I would like to move forward and be more than "Dating" as you say." " I am sorry, I didn't want to assume that we were more than friends, I have to admit that I feel an attraction to you that I have tried to fight off to preserve me and Bella's feelings. I don't think that a lot of single mothers really stop to think about how their kid feels when a relationship goes wrong. I do and I will always put her feelings before mine, I am a very proactive mom and I choose communication over leaving her in the dark."

He is silent once again and I am afraid that I once again have put my foot directly into my mouth by saying too much. He lifts his head and finally speaks. " I agree and I hope that it does not come to a decision or choice between her feelings and yours or even mine. If at any moment you and Bella's feelings are not mutual please let me know and maybe we can all sit down and communicate. Now let's get going we can talk more in the truck."

We stand and head towards the door and he opens and holds it open for me. I lock the door behind us and head towards the truck. He helps me into the truck and we are on our way. After driving for about 30 minutes there is nothing but trees and rocks all over. We have had light conversation along the way, which I am grateful for all of the sudden he reaches over and grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers I just look down and smile, mainly because I don't want to say something stupid and regret it later.

I finally work up the nerve to look over at him and he has the biggest smile on his face and it makes me happy. We drive up a dirt road and park by a lake. It is beautiful and so breathtaking. " What do you think?" He grabs a blanket and a cooler from the back of the truck. " I think it is beautiful thank you for bringing me here." " My pleasure I ran into this spot while fishing off my small boat."

He puts the blanket and cooler into one arm and grabs my hand. We walk and find a spot in the shade we sit down and he starts taking out the contents of the cooler. First there is a container of fruit and a platter of cheeses and crackers and finally there is my favorite Vitamin water, it is delicious. " I love XXX Vitamin water." " Me too." we start to dig in and soon I am full or at least I say I am because I don't want to look like a hog on our second date even though it was all so delicious.

He jumps up and says I forgot something. He runs to the truck and grabs an iTouch and some speakers. He comes back and is scrolling through his list. James David Carter 'Lonely long enough" I know this because I have been a James David Carter fan since I saw him on the voice. " You like James David Carter?" he reaches down for my hand "Dance with me please?" I reach for his hand and he helps me up and pulls me close and I have to admit I am completely weak in the knees I really need someone to pinch me because I am dreaming.

Men that look like him and play songs like that don't go for girls like me. The song ends and this time another James David Carter song comes on and the feelings that spring and I can't remember the name of it. "What's the name of this one?" He smiles and says "Little did I know."

We continue dancing, and I am loving the way it feels in his arms. All of the sudden he starts singing "Little did I know you'd find me, wondering down this road, you'd lead me home." He stops singing and the music plays on and then he starts again. "Babe I found it all when I found you." the song Sadly ends because I think I could have listened to him sing forever.

The song changes to Holes in the floor of Heaven. "They played this at my grandma's funeral. I miss her she was the only grandparent I had left. We had a special bond, she taught me some of her recipes, I have not made in a very long time." " Why?" " They are not exactly figure friendly meals they are very delicious though." "Then you should make them more often." I know he is just being supportive and trying to help but I can't help myself he doesn't get it not everyone can eat that stuff and look like some type of Greek God. I sigh "Maybe one day." I mumble. Maybe he is right well to a certain extent. You only live, once right?

Oh crap! "What time is it?" He looks down at his watch. "2 o'clock. We better start cleaning up so we can get Bella from school. We start picking everything up and load it into the truck. We talk about our past and or likes and dislikes on the way back. 

Letting Love In (Currently Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now