Chapter 1 edited

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     My name is Sarah I am a single mom of a 15-year-old daughter who seems to think she is going on 20 years old. It has been just us since her father hardly recognizes he has a daughter.

I currently am a at home customer service representative. I am 5'11 and Curvy (it's what me and my daughter say because Fat seems so mean) I have brown eyes and brown hair and so does my daughter. I love to read. If I didn't have to work I would do it all day just sit cuddled up and read about a romance I may never find. It's lonely being a single mom but I would not change being a mom for anything in the world.

Recently we moved into this nice two bedroom apartment, but it's a small, even for just us two.  We made some changes to support our new healthier lifestyle we moved exactly one and a half miles from Bella's School we jog to and from school every day and even on weekends.

The neighborhood we pass through has massive houses and as we jog, we fantasize about if we lived in one and how we would decorate it. One day I was jogging back from dropping Bella off at school and I noticed one of the houses that was previously for sale is now sold. It was one of the biggest houses on the block and we both loved it.

About 10 minutes later I arrive back home and decide to take a shower before I start work. Work was almost as brutal as it sounds. Person after person calling complaining or for technical support. I force myself to hold my tongue on some of the calls the ones where people call and blame me for their device not working or a really bad day with their phone.

It's finally time for me to go meet Ella at school I always leave early so I can circle the block a few times to get in some more exercise. As I jog down the street with the newly sold house, I can already see the moving company as well as box trucks from furniture stores. I keep jogging around and around and finally decide to go get Bella.

On our way home we talk about the newly sold house and how we can't wait to see who just moved in. Once we get home, we do our usual routine showers and Bella starts her homework while I cuddle up on the oversized sofa with one of my favorite Authors J.S. Cooper. I am reading one of my favorite books by her The last Boyfriend.

A few hours later I get up to make dinner. Fajitas sound good. I go through the fridge and grab the ingredients I need to make dinner. Our kitchen is small but it is just right for us. As I am finishing up making dinner, Bella walks in. "Is your homework done?" I ask, and she nods in response. "What's for dinner it smells so good." "Fajitas." "yummmmm>" we say at the same time and we laugh.

After dinner Bella and I watch her favorite movie Teen Beach 2 and shortly after we both head into our rooms to go to bed. After lying in bed for 30 minutes asking myself is if this is it? Is this the life I want for me and Bella. Am I destined to going to bed at 8 pm alone every night for the rest of my life? Oh, how fun that will be. I lay there long enough that I finally drift off to sleep.

The alarm chimes just like every morning and it's time to start the day. I go into Bella's room and wake her up knowing if I don't, she will just keep hitting the snooze button on her alarm. I get her up and she asks me "Can you straighten my hair?" "Of course." I say. Then she proceeds to get dressed, as I go into the bathroom and plug in the straightener.

We start our jog just like every morning. I drop Bella off at school and decide to do a few more laps around the block to see how the new homeowner is getting along. As I pass by the house, I see the garage door open from the street. I go for lap two to see if anyone comes out maybe I will have the confidence to introduce myself. Yeah right, like that will ever happen. I can see a man outside but am still too far to get a good view. As I get closer it's almost as if time slows down or I am jogging in slow motion. He is standing there looking out into his yard, shirtless. He is all muscle and tan skin. I wipe my jaw sure that there is drool. 

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