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Ashley Narcissa Malfoy
"My name hold a bad reputation"

Draco Lucius Malfoy 17Slytherin "You don't understand, I have to do this

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Draco Lucius Malfoy
"You don't understand, I have to do this.."

Harry James Potter 16Gryffindor "I am the chosen one

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Harry James Potter
"I am the chosen one."

Hermione Granger 17Gryffindor "Everyone deserves a friend"

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Hermione Granger
"Everyone deserves a friend"

Hermione Granger 17Gryffindor "Everyone deserves a friend"

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Ron Weasley
"I don't trust them.."

Fred and George Weasley 18 & 18Gryffindor "Wicked aren't they?"

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Fred and George Weasley
18 & 18
"Wicked aren't they?"

Fred and George Weasley 18 & 18Gryffindor "Wicked aren't they?"

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Luther Hargreeves
Number 1
"I'm number 1 for a reason"

 Diego Hargreeves 30 Number 2"Not everyone gets a chance to be on top"

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Diego Hargreeves
Number 2
"Not everyone gets a chance to be on top"

 Allison Hargreeves 30 Number 3"I heard a rumor, that you deserve another chance"

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Allison Hargreeves
Number 3
"I heard a rumor, that you deserve another chance"

 Allison Hargreeves 30 Number 3"I heard a rumor, that you deserve another chance"

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