The fallen boy

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Heels echoed through the hallways as 3 students dressed in Slytherin robes walked towards the great hall

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Heels echoed through the hallways as 3 students dressed in Slytherin robes walked towards the great hall. A female, and 2 males; each looking alike in their own ways.
The female was spinning her wand around in her hand humming quietly as she pushed the doors open and walked inside going straight to the Slytherins table. "Ashley..I find it strand that each of the Malfoy siblings are late to one of their favorite times of the day.." came Blaise's voice. This made the female look towards him before shrugging. "They can't leave without me, and I had to talk to Snape about a few spells I was having trouble with.." she said lifting one of her legs up onto the chair. Each of her brothers sitting on either side of her, the blond haired boy speaking with Blaise and another female, with the brown haired boy kept quiet and just ate.
She opened her book and looked down at it and just started reading while taking small bites off her plate ignoring all the chatter coming from each of the tables.

After the female finished she pushed her plate away and shut her book, and stood up walking out of the great hall. She put her wand in the opening of her skirt and placed her robe over her elbow. Her brown strand falling over her face as she took small steps towards the dungeon area, but the moment she got down their a large blue opening appeared on the ceiling. This made her quickly freeze and back up eyes wide looking up and jumping as a boy fell through and the opening disappeared. "Holy shit...h-hey kid you alright??" she quickly asked. She let her robe and book fall to the floor as she stepped closer watching as the boy looked around confused. His eyes then moved to the female dressed in black and green. She backed up as he stood up looking around to make sure he was the only one that came through the orb. "What is the date..??" the boy quickly asked. This question startled her "um...November 24th, 1998.." she answered. She turned away from the boy, being use to seeing weird stuff, but not boys falling from strange blue openings. She picked up her book and robe. "Your in Hogwarts...School of witches and wizards.." she simply said. "Or the outskirts of London.." she said more clearly in case the boy was a muggle.. he looked at her with confusion then his eyes widened "shit.." he mumbled. She just nodded before shaking her head and began making her way back upstairs to find a professor. Only for the boy to grab her making her quickly run around and looked at him closely. "Did anyone else come through something like what I did?" He asked. "Hell if I know mate.." she stated. Her accent smoothened her response, and she slowly moved her arm from his grasp. "You can find out yourself, just..follow me.." she said grabbing her things once more and then made her way upstairs with the boy slowly following after her.
Her heels clicked along the stone floors, as students were still in the great hall eating. Leaving only a few students in the halls.
Ashley looked around for a professor, but she knew they were all most likely in the great hall. She sighed and walked forward towards the large doors with the boy now right beside her. She pushed the doors open and was quickly met with 3 Gryffindors making her roll her eyes. "Move Potter.." the female stated. And went to walk around them only to be stopped. She glared at the red head that had stopped her quickly ripping her arm from his grasp. "Touch me again and bash your bloody head in Weasley." She growled pushing past the three to get to the professors. The Slytherin and Malfoy in her showing.

The boy smirked slightly at what the female said, she seemed innocent and kind but considering the words that just left her lips; she is far from those things.
He watched as she walked to a very tall gentlemen, that had a load of hair that a human can't really possess. He stood over the female even if she's in heels. She lowered her items to a table and said something to the large male in which made him look back at me. I then sighed and quickly jumped from my spot to beside the female. I couldn't help smirk when she jumped and fell slightly to the side.
"Hi..My names Five.. Look I don't have much time. At least I don't think i do, I'm from the future. And I'm looking for my family. I don't know if they would end up here, or else were. What I'm looking for a blue spacial jump that appears overhead in the air. And a person will drop down.. Now, has this happened at all?" I was quick to explain things. Wanting to be as clear as possible but also making things quicker. His eyes moved to the female only to notice she was no longer right beside him but was sitting at a table between to males watching the scene.
My head tilted slightly letting out a smile to pretty much ask if he got it.
"What year are you from if your from the future?" Came the females voice. He hadn't gotten her name yet, only took notice of her appearance. Long brown hair, deep brown eyes; she short and very indulging for a girl in this time. She was dressed in a short black and green plaid skirt, a long sleeved black crop top. Along with a simple pair of black stockings and black ankle boot heels. "I'm from 2019 sweetheart." I spoke. Smirking at the sight of her cheeks turning a tint of red, as she caught me checking her over. But of course the glare from the two boys sitting on either side of her didn't go unnoticed. The three all looked like each other so he guessed they were siblings, or at least in someway family. She nodded of course not understanding fully but didn't question anything, in which I was glad she didn't.

After a lot of explaining to the professors matched with extreme annoyance of being held back from trying to find my family. I was finally escorted the area I had first dropped into, and was allowed into a common room. I took notice of the female that had helped me rather quickly as she was sitting in a chair with her legs over the chair. The brunette now dressed in a pair of leggings and a sweater. She was smiling and laughing with another female. Her back was leaned against another brunette who had his arm wrapped around her. I had completely lost interest in what the older male who had brought me here was saying and was now just watching the teen. She looked over towards me smiling and nodding slightly in respect before looking back at the girl across from her. She was beautiful, not that I would ever say that out loud; but nothing wrong with thinking about it..

"Miss Malfoy" This caught the female attention in which she slid her brothers her arm away from her and smiled at Pansy and made her way over to the professor

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"Miss Malfoy"
This caught the female attention in which she slid her brothers her arm away from her and smiled at Pansy and made her way over to the professor. "Yes sir?" She asked softly while stretching her arms up above her head. "May you please show Mr Hargreeves around.. you seem to have his full attention.." Snape stated in a tired voice. Ashley just nodded and smiled watching as her potions teacher left the common room. She smiled over at Five now realsimg the actual height different between the two considering she was only 5'2 and he was most likely around 5'6 to 5'7. "I'm well..This is the private common room for the Slytherins area..And if you go up the left steps it'll lead you to the boys dorm. I would go up and show you but our watchers are fucking Asshole's.. And the right is the females dorms. And as you can most likely tell.. The Slytherins areas are in the dungeons." She stated softly and began walking out after waving her friends goodbye. "Never did get your name." five stated. This made the female smile softly. "Ashley Malfoy." She said softly.
'Ashley..' he thought to himself while listening to her as she showed him around the different areas.

' he thought to himself while listening to her as she showed him around the different areas

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