Part 1: The Meeting

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M: Mittens

L: Luv



"I still don't think this is a good idea Trigger." MA said.

He and his brother were driving through Berlin, looking for the capital building where they were supposed to meet Germany. Mandara and Germany were meeting to discuss reopening trading between the countries, but MA was nervous about it. 

"It's fine Thunder, Germany is nothing like his father, he wouldn't hurt us." Mandara reassured him, but he shook his head, "It's not him I'm worried about, it the fact that Third Reich's militant entity hangs around with him that concerns me." 

Mandara hummed to his reasoning before saying, "I understand where your coming from, but it has been decades since we've severed relations with Germany, and it's high time we fix that, we'll worry about Wehrmacht later, ok?"

MA was going to protest, but just sighed and turned to look out the window, watching the capital building draw closer.


Germany scanned the papers one more time, reviewing the topics on the agenda for his meeting with Mandara and MA. To be honest, he was quite nervous; ever since the war, after Third Reich had cut off ties to Mandara, he hadn't seen the country for a while. He debated how he would open up the discussion of reconnecting the two nations. 

 "Nervous?" came a voice by the door to Germany's office. 

 "Hey Uncle," Germany murmured, stacking his papers together. He took off his glasses and rubbed his face tiredly. The militant entity standing by the door walked in and peered at the papers on the desk. 

"Mandara, huh?" he read, narrowing his eyes. "That's the country we blocked off back then....Do you want me to go with you during the meeting?" 

 "Well, he is bringing Mandara Army, his own militant entity," said Germany. Then he shot Wehrmacht a look. "You can come, but you better not start a fight. I need this trade deal."

 "You're the new boss," Wehrmacht hummed, but his eyes remained narrowed.


As Mandara pulled into the parking lot of the capital building, MA could feel his heart jump into his throat, he was usually very calm and collected when Mandara met with other countries, but he couldn't help but feel on edge with this one. Although the two entities never actually fought each other, they did meet on a few occasions, and both times MA couldn't help but feel very intimidated by him, and it was very hard to intimidate him. As the brothers got out the car and begun walking to the building's entrance, Mandara put his wing around MA to tell him it was ok, which helped him calm down a little. When MA and Mandara walked inside, they were immediately greeted by a worker who escorted them to a conference room, where they would wait for Germany.  


Wehrmacht accompanied his nephew down the hall towards the conference room. As they got closer, the militant entity felt the familiar twitch in his wings that indicated both Mandara and MA must have already arrived. The sensation was a little stronger than he'd anticipated though, which meant someone was nervous. 

Or perhaps they were plotting. Wehrmacht tensed at that thought; it wasn't as if he trusted Mandara or MA, especially since Third had chosen to block them off for a reason. So as they entered the conference room, Wehrmacht raised his large black wings slightly—suspicious, alert, and ready for any sign of an ambush.


MA tensed up when the door to the conference room opened, with the vibrating in his feathers he felt earlier, he knew that a certain military entity was joining them. However, he didn't expect Wehrmacht to be half flaring his wings like he was ready to attack, the stare down definitely didn't make MA feel any less threatened. While Mandara stood up from the table and started talking to Germany, MA made sure to stand very close to his brother and kept his hand near his gun, just in case.


Germany and Mandara got down to business right off the bat. Wehrmacht, however, paid only mild attention to the trade deals being discussed. As a militant entity, it was natural for the German to have one eye trained on other entities like him—aka Mandara Army, who was standing very close to his brother like a guard. Wehrmacht let his feathers settle down just a little bit, but the hostility remained charged along his wings. 

"This is a pretty big trade deal," he heard Germany talking to Mandara. "I might have to inform European Union about this before I make any final decisions. Would you mind staying in Berlin for a day or two until EU comes to join us and we can iron out the final details?" 

Wehrmacht frowned at the suggestion that two strangers—not to mention a militant entity was one of them—should be staying in their capital. He tapped his nephew's shoulder. Germany blinked, excused himself from Mandara, and retreated to a corner to whisper with Wehrmacht.


As the meeting dragged on, MA tried his best to relax, but he found it very discomforting the way Wehrmacht kept eyeing him. He felt like a scared rabbit being hunted by a ravage beast, and it was a positions he was not familiar with, nor did he appreciate it. 

 When he heard Germany mention them staying, MA subconsciously dropped his wings a bit and his eye begun to glow slightly. MA didn't want to be there any longer than necessary, and now that they had to stay longer made him sick to his stomach. 

"Trigger, do we really need this deal?" he whispered to Mandara when the Germans left.

Mandara sighed irritably, "Yes Thunder, it is very important that we repair our ties with Germany, you need to relax." 

MA was going to protest again, but Mandara shot him a "shut your mouth" look and turned away from him. MA cursed under his breath, but reluctantly stayed quiet and instead tried to eavesdrop on the Germans.

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