Part 29: The Night Flight

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"I love it when they do that," Iremacht whispered to his father when he peered over his shoulder at Mandara. "His wings are incredible."

"Well now I'm jealous," Wehrmacht teased. "My poor drab wings feel unloved."

Iremacht elbowed him. "Shush, Dad. You know you'll always be the best to me."

The teen broke off with a yawn that made his father smile. By the time they reached the house, Iremacht was swaying on his feet and Wehrmacht had a hand around his son's shoulder to keep him upright.


Mandara chuckled as he over heard the Germans talking, MA then slowed down to walk besides his brother, who in turn closed his wings to make room for MA.

"I swear it's like they forget I have wings too," MA playfully said, "are mine not good enough for them?"

Mandara nudged MA, "don't be silly Thunder, I'm sure they like your wings too."

MA hummed in response but said nothing further. When the group reached Wehr's house, MA noticed how Mandara was eyeing the star filled sky, "You want to fly don't you."

Mandara nodded, "I do, but you know I can't last long in the air, and besides, I would rather do it with you."

MA put a hand on Mandara's shoulder, "I'm sure your wings can handle a few minutes of gliding, and don't let me stop you, go have fun."

Mandara stared at MA for a second then smiled, "Thanks Thunder, I'll be back."

Then he ran off to a more open area and took to the skies.

MA walked up to Wehr and Iremacht, "Just a heads up guys, Trigger decided to do a quick fly around, he should be back in a few minutes."


Wehrmacht looked out at the night sky too and his wings twitched. Iremacht felt the tremor of feathers and blinked up at his father. Even in his groggy state, he could tell Wehrmacht wanted to join Mandara in the air.

"As long as you don't pull an all-nighter, Dad," Iremacht said, trudging into the house. "I can tuck myself in. Come on, MA, I'll show you how my paintball stash and then go to bed."

Wehrmacht got his son's message and smiled gratefully, "Danke, you're the best."

He took off into the air, his black wings blending into the dark sky. He was retired after all. Flight was finally an option.


Mandara didn't notice Wehrmacht take off after him, he was too busy enjoying the cool night air blow around him. He didn't usually fly often so when he did, he would typically glide on the air currents, it was a bit tricky for him since his wings were built for speed not soaring, but it maximized his time in the air before his wings would tire. At one point he did a few twirls, but that was the only tricks he was comfortable doing, so he just continued to glide, completely unaware that someone wanted to join him.


Wehrmacht remembered last time that he'd snuck up behind MA and MA had nearly shot him. He didn't want to scare Mandara since he seemed to be enjoying himself, so Wehrmacht simply followed him. The German took the moment to enjoy the wind along his feathers and find a comfortable current to ride on slightly underneath Mandara. The city lights twinkled from below. 

Finally, Wehrmacht decided to push forward so he was directly under Mandara. He flipped around and said, "Wonderful weather, isn't it?"


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