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You wake up on your desk with your face planted in your textbooks. The sounds of your blaring alarm invade your ears, ruining any chances of falling asleep again. You turn your alarm off then stare at the fluorescent numbers. Eventually you get up and start getting ready for school. Once you're fully ready, you eat a quick breakfast and head out the door.

You reach school with five minutes to spare before the start of class. You head to your classroom and take a seat in your usual spot, but instead of Mizuhara taking the seat beside you, Kita takes it. Keeping your head down, you quietly groan. It's not like Kita did anything that caused your dislike towards him, it's just he is consistently ranked number two in exams. As the top ranked student in school, he stresses you out. You didn't want to lose your position but losing to him would especially enrage you. He just seems so perfect all the time, it's harder to humanize someone as perfect as him and much easier to be jealous and hate him.

"I talked to Hina and Kenji about days they're free to talk about the event. They both said they're free after school after their club activities, and that time works for me as well. If we meet once or twice a week to discuss after club activities do you think that would work for you?" Kita asks you, interrupting your thoughts.

"Oh uh, yea I'm fine whenever. We're gonna hold our meetings in the student council room anyways, and I'm always there after school. Let's just meet today if everyone can."

"I will let the other two know then," Kita answers, turning away from you to prepare for class.

You continue taking your stuff out for class when you lock eyes with Mizuhara. He glares at Kita who took his seat, then sympathetically looks at you. He takes a seat near the back of class and the teacher starts lecture shortly after.


All your classes end so you tiredly make your way to the student council room. You plop onto your chair and rest there until the student council members start coming in.

The council only consists of four people, you, Mizuhara, Suzuki and the treasurer, Kimura Akihiko. Since you were elected president in the beginning of the year, you were able to choose the rest of the executive members.

Mizuhara was an obvious choice since you've known him since middle school. He's also reliable and smart, usually ranking in the top five for exams. His popularity among classmates also helps. Suzuki is a second year, but also incredibly intelligent. She's the top ranked student in her grade and wishes to be the student council president next year. Kimura is also a second year and incredibly popular in the school. He is highly efficient at his jobs but is often late due to his friendship with the Miya twins and his own popularity among the girls in his grade.

The first to enter the room is Suzuki. She puts her bag away and greets you before taking a seat in a chair in front of your desk. She takes her glasses off and leans her arms on your desk and rests her head.

"Are you tired today? You don't have to stay if you feel unwell," you tell her.

"Just a migraine, I'll survive," she smiles, "But thank you."

You sigh but continue looking through the stack of papers on your desk. "Don't push yourself past your limits, I need you in good health for student council, so don't let this hold you back from taking care of yourself."

"No need to worry," she yawns.

She places her head back on her arms and silently sits there while you finish looking through the papers.

Then Kimura opens the door and closes it as quickly as he opened it. He stays by the doorway, catching his breath until his heart rate stabilizes again. He notices Suzuki's slouched body and takes a blanket from one of the storage closets in the room.

"Sorry I'm late," he whispers, draping the blanket on Suzuki's sleeping body, "Some of Atsumu's fangirls were chasing me and asking me to get them a sample of his hair."

"It's okay, we don't have much to do today," you whisper back, deciding to forget about the last thing he said.

He nods his head then goes to take a seat on one of the couches. A good amount of time passes since Kimura went to couch and you finished looking through all your papers. Leaning back on your chair, you stretch your arms upwards when your vice president bursts through the door causing you and Kimura to jump up and waking Suzuki.

"You're almost half an hour late,"  you say, disappointed.

"Hey, at least I'm here right? Besides, you didn't even ask why I'm late."

"Okay fine, why are you late?"

"I was getting confessed to again," he says, pulling a bag of chocolates from his bag. He throws them at Kimura, who struggles to catch it. "Anyways, she gave me some chocolates so take some if you want them."

"That's like your fifth confession this week," Kimura says with stars in his eyes, while eating the chocolates.

Mizuhara just shrugged it off and walked over to your desk. Kimura looked sad since he was ignored, but got over it and started scrolling through phone.

"So Ms. President, are we doing anything special?" He asks leaning on your desk, causing Suzuki to sit on the couch across from Kimura.

"Not really, I have some event planning to do today though. There's not a lot of time left until they come here so you all can leave early if you want."

"Right, I forgot about that," Kimura says, "Do you want us to help with any of the planning?"

"No it's okay, I'll probably just need your help for the actual event for like set up and stuff," you answer.

He nods his head then starts talking to Suzuki. You put your attention back on the blank sheet of paper in front of you. Before the event meeting, you wanted to list some talking points but nothing came to mind. Mizuhara glances over at your blank sheet and sighs. He leaves and takes a seat beside Kimura to let you focus on your work.

Half an hour passes since then, and you listed some talking points. Kimura, Suzuki and Mizuhara were all playing Uno, so you decided to join them for one last round until your event meeting started. The game ended with Suzuki winning and they all promptly left once the room was clean again.

You take a seat at your desk once again and observe the empty room. Despite being a large room, it felt suffocating to be inside by yourself. The awards and certificates from previous student councils hung on the wall, constantly reminding you of the expectations you had to live up to. It was draining. So now, as you wait for the other event managers in the deafening silence, you decide to forget about your responsibilities for awhile and rest your head on your desk.

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