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About a week passed since you agreed to help Hina get with Mizuhara, and Aran and Mizuhara joined forces to get you and Kita together. Things were just fine. The event planning actually started, the four of you would meet every other day to discuss the different aspects of the event and try to find vendors, etc... But today is going to be different. Today is the first operation in Aran and Mizuhara's plan to get you and Kita together.

The two boys stand inside the boys washroom. They closed the door and moved the trash can so it blocks the door, which prevented anyone from trying to enter.

"So the plan is ready right?" Mizuhara whispers, despite no know being around.

"Why are you whispering, there's no one here," Aran replies, "But yea, we're all set. You just need to make sure y/n doesn't suspect anything."

"Okay, I can do that, make sure no one suspects anything."

"No one will."

Mizuhara moves the trash can with his foot, causing it to loudly screech on the tile underneath, "I'll see you in an hour then."

He quietly leaves the washroom after checking both sides of the hallway to make sure no one was there. Aran waits two minutes then does the same thing and leaves for the gym.

Mizuhara bursts into the student council room like usual and looks around. He sees you sitting at your desk and Suzuki and Kimura sitting on the couches drinking tea.

"You're late," you sigh.

"I know, the volleyball coach caught me on the way here and he told me he needed your help. Something about the volleyball club, he wasn't specific."

"Oh, that's okay then," you reply, not looking up.

He slightly smiles, then stops and takes a seat beside Kimura. His eyes shift between the clock and the boy sitting beside him. Each tick added stress to the boy's usual calm heart as he wondered what you'd say if you found out about his and Aran's scheme. But, it's too late to change anything now, the plan is already in motion and your fate is set.

Finally, club time ends. Mizuhara notices before anyone and loudly packs his things so everyone else realizes the time. He leaves the room quickly after ensuring you're getting ready to leave as well.

While Mizuhara's actions confused you, you had no reason not to trust the boy you've known since middle school. So, you quickly pack up, ask Suzuki to lock the doors, then heads towards the gym. All club activities end around the same time, so you figured you'd be able to help the coach with whatever he needed.

You reach the entrance to the large gym. Some of the club's members walked out, drinking water and wiping away their sweat. They didn't acknowledge you, not realizing that you're the student council president and not a fangirl. Opening the doors, you see players taking down the nets and cleaning up the gym, you try searching for the coach but don't see him anywhere.

"Oh, y/n, what are you doing here? Do you need Kita for that event thing?" someone beside you asks. You turn and see Akagi holding a water bottle with a towel wrapped around his neck.

"No, I'm looking for your coach, apparently he needed my help with something."

"The coach needs help?" he pauses for a moment and his eyes move just past you. Quickly, hoping you didn't notice his wandering gaze he looks back at you and realizes what you're here for, "Right! I remember now. Coach had to go home early, there was some problem with his kids daycare or something, but there's some problems with one of our storage rooms so he wanted you to check it out so we could get some money to fix it."

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