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You open the curtains and take a seat at the head of the table, waiting for the presidents of all the other clubs. Your fingernails slowly tap on the dark wooden surface as people slowly trickle into the room. Some were loud, others quiet, but as soon as they took a seat they stopped talking and waited for you to say something. Needless to say, being the student council president at Inarizaki was a challenging job, but who else would have done it if not for you?

Your vice president, Mizuhara Sora sat beside you, and your secretary Suzuki Ayako, despite being a second year, was on your other side, ready to take notes. When all the club presidents arrive, you tell Mizuhara to close to door and start the meeting.

"It's nice seeing you all again," you start, "But, I'm going to skip the small talk and get straight to our main discussion point. As you all know, our age old tradition of hosting a charity event for the school is coming up soon."

You pause for a moment and gauge the reactions in the crowd. Majority of the third year students groan and silently complain. This event is an incredibly taxing and gruelling thing to plan, that's why a committee is formed each year to plan it.

"As club presidents, you all should already know about the event. As student council president, I will obviously be heading the committee, but there are still three other positions to fill. I need a co-chair, an event manager, and a marketing manager. Are there any volunteers, or do I have to draw names?"

Your eyes scan the wide table and all you see are a bunch of teenagers avoiding eye contact, except a pair of chocolate brown eyes and a pair of grey eyes.

"As head editor of the school newspaper and president of the journalism club, I feel it's my duty to be the marketing manager. Wouldn't you agree Mizuhara?" the owner of the grey eyes smirks. She looks over to you and grins.

"He's not here to give any opinions on the event committee, he's just here for the second half of the meeting Hina," you tell her.

She shrugs and pushes her brown bangs out of her face. You put her name down as the marketing manager then look around the room to see if there are any other volunteers.

"I guess since we're just doing based on our clubs and skills, it's only fitting I be the event manager. It's not like any of these other teens can entertain the crowd as well as the drama and public speaking club president."

Mizuhara groans beside you, annoyed at the voice that just spoke, but you put his name down as the event manager anyways. "Okay, Kenji, I put your name down. We just have the co chair left, any volunteers?"

From the corner of the room, a figure emerges. His leather shoes tap on the wooden floor, adding an echo to large room. He walks up to the table and puts his hand on one of the students shoulders. "Kita here will be your co-chair."

"Oh Principal, I didn't know you were here! I would've given you a seat so you wouldn't have to stay in the corner," you tell him.

"You're not gonna mention the fact he was sneakily in the corner and no one noticed him?" Mizuhara whispers.

"I just wanted to see how you run these types of meetings, this first half went very well. I had to interfere to though, because Kita must be your co-chair," the principal explains.

Begrudgingly, you put down Kita's name as the co-chair. It's not like you can talk back to principal. He walks behind you and leans over your shoulder to see what you have written. Once he sees Kita's name written beside 'co-chair,' he leaves, apologizing for disrupting the meeting.

You look down at his name written neatly in your handwritting, then continue the meeting. The rest of the meeting was just discussing the different clubs and the culture of the school. Once the meeting ends, you dismiss everyone except Suzuki and Mizuhara.

"That's a pretty interesting committee you have," Mizuhara says, stifling a laugh, "So thankful I didn't offer to be co-chair cause working with fucking Kenji would've killed me."

"I think it'll be good," Suzuki chimes in, handing you the meeting notes, "After all, you're one of the co-chairs. I'm sure you'll do great."

She smiles at you, then dismisses herself, leaving you and Mizuhara alone. He takes a seat on the table and watches you look through the notes. His legs swing back and forth and he leans closer to you to see the pages you're looking at.

"Are you that scared about the event?" he asks, noticing how you keep staring at the names of the committee members.

"Scared isn't the right word. I know it'll be successful. I mean based on skill, it's perfect, but when you think about their personalities, it all falls apart," you complain. You look up to Mizuhara and glare at his carefree attitude. Maybe you should've just let him be on the committee, then you wouldn't have to deal with working with your biggest rival, Kita Shinsuke. After taking a deep breath, you start to gather all the notes together, "You're gonna have to deal with Hina's flirting though, you should be scared about that."

"I'll just avoid the whatever room you guys are using for your committee planning. I won't be able to handle Hina's flirting and Kenji's voice."

"We're gonna use the student council room, you can't avoid that."


You smile at him then start to leave the room. Mizuhara follows close behind you until you both reach the student council room. You take a seat at your desk while Mizuhara rests on one of the couches. He scrolls through his phone while you look through some of the papers resting on your desk.

"Let's go, I'll walk you home," he says, sitting up.

"You go without me, I have too much to do."

"You sure?"

You nod your head, but he stays a little longer until you assure him it is okay to go. He picks up his bag and you shoo him out of the room. Once he's gone. you are alone in a large room. The dull hum of the janitor's vacuum from outside fills your ears as you continue writing. The setting sun's light diminishes, taking away the warm glow on your face. You lean back in your chair and hold your hands to your forehead. You rest like that for a moment, then go back to work. Inarizaki's student council president needs to be perfect and a hard worker, so that is what you must be.

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