10. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

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☆★  CHAPTER 10  ||  Nikita  ☆★

One week later...

"So, pick two colours that go along well for the decoration," said Liam, handing Jai and I a folio full of different colours and shades for our engagement party's decoration.

Yeah, that is right. Engagement party. To be honest, why can't we just have a simple marriage at the wedding registry? I just want all of this to end quickly. I want to get married fast, save my house and get divorced ASAP. Isn't that a strange wedding checklist? 

It has only been a week and this wedding is such a hassle. I hate it. However, in this one week Jai and I have been putting on a great show for our family. We are fantastic actors I must say. Like, what the hell am I doing here? I should be in bollywood with these acting skills!

We managed to convince our families that we are absolutely delighted with this marriage. It hurts me at times because i have to put on a deeply in love act with Jai infront of Liam, our wedding planner. Sometimes I do not understand if I should laugh or cry because I love my wedding planner more than I love my fiance. Ha.

The three of us were seated in a coffee shop somewhere not far away from our place. All we wanted to do is to escape from both our homes as the situation at our homes are quite hectic due to the wedding. I can't take the environment and it's pressure.

Although I am the one getting married, Liam seems to be more pressurised than me. Well obviously, he is the one planning the whole wedding. That is his job I guess. I bet his ultimate goal right now is to plan the best wedding he has ever planned for his brother and 'sister-in-law'.

Suddenly, Liam's phone rang. "Ah, I have to take this call. You two flip through the colours and designs while I take this call," he said while looking down at his phone.

Jai, who is seated on left, snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I could feel the warmth from his body as his fingers swirled in circles on my dress. Jai is such a jerk. He is purposely taking advantage of the act we are putting on. Whatever it is, I will not give in to him.

As he took a bite of his blueberry pie, I kicked his shin using my legs, causing him to cough and choke.

Oh no, maybe he will die by choking on blueberry pie! That would be hillarious! Just imagine what the headlines of the newspaper would be!

Liam looked worriedly at Jai who's face is red and seems to be gasping for air. Oh sh*t, is he really choking that bad?

I quickly gave Jai my glass of water since his was empty.

"Here, have some water," I said putting on my most worried face as possible, showing Liam that I care.

Jai drank the water and his face slowly begin to return to it's original colour. His emerald green eyes locked into mine and a flash of pain spread across his face. What was that? Was Jai hurt? Maybe that was too harsh of me. What am I saying? Of course not, he deserved it.

"Yeah. Sophie, I got to go. I'll call you back later, I promise. Take care! Don't miss me too much!" said Liam and he ended the call.

Sophie? Don't miss me too much? Who is she and why should she miss Liam? My heart felt heavy and it was slowly sinking into the bottom of my chest. I didn't have a good feeling about this 'Sophie' girl Liam was talking too.

"Er.. Who is Sophie?" I asked, trying to sound casual. Maybe i'm a bit too much. Liam has been in Australia for the past two years. He must have loads of friends.

"My assistant. She helps me with every wedding. We plan it together." Plan it together. I do not like the sound of that. 

I felt uncomfortable with Liam's words. How long have they been planning weddings together? It is none of my business but I can't help it. I admit, I get jealous easily.

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