2 years later

493 2 21

It was Darwin 12 birthday the first ti wish him happy birthday was his. now 14 year old older brother Gumball

Happy birthday Dude


So any plans for your 12 year of living

Umm well I remember...

They where cut off but Nicole saying

Happy birthday Darwin

But I have bad news

Gumball and Darwin where confused and said

What is it

Since I got promoted at work we are forced to move from  California to Nevada

Gumball and Darwin heart  sank  Gumball because he had to leave penny and his hole life in in elmore

And Darwin because this was they day he could ask out Carrie

Mrs mom please don't make us leave

Darwin said starting to cry

Nicole Hugged him and said

I'm really sorry darwin but we Don't have a choice

Gumball was already out the door he had to go for a walk to take in the news that he had to leave his city that he's lived in his home life

He went over to penny house and knocked on the door

She opened the door and was happy to see Gumball
She said

Gumball what are you doing here

I'm here to tell you something my I come in

Of course what's up

She notice a tear go down is face

What wrong Gumball

I just got informed that we are going to be moving to Nevada

Wha.. what

I'm so sorry but we don't have a choice

Gumball notice penny start to cry and wiped her tears and say

Don't worry penny I will come back in 2 weeks maybe 7 years but as long as you live here I will come back

Thank you Gumball when are you moving

In 2 weeks

Oh so we don't have much more time

No but I will be back

Darwin leaves that house and goes to the park and sees Carrie he walks up to her and say

Hey Carrie

Oh hey Darwin

I'm just came to inform you that. My family is moving in 2 weeks

What no this can't happen you just turn 12 we were meant to start a relationship

I'm so sorry Carrie but I can't control it

It's okay we can spend the 2 weeks together not a single day where not going to hang out Carrie

Oh okay see you tomorrow

Carrie says before kissing him in the cheek

Darwin blush's and walks back to his house

2 weeks later

Penny and Carrie and standing on Gumball's driveway and just before they leave Gumball and penny say


Yeah penny

I'm going to miss you

She says before kissing him

He kisses her and puts something in her hand

What is this

Don't look at it until I'm gone


After Gumball and penny finish Darwin and Carrie



I have really in joyed the time that we got to spend together

Me to I'm going to miss you

I'm going to miss you to

Just then Carrie and Darwin share they're first kiss

After they leave and Carrie leave

Penny look at what Gumball gave to her and us makes her cry it was a picture of they with a piece of paper the said

I will always love you

Then 2 months later when penny takes a closer look at the picture she sees a hole in the frame and it had there new address

In the car in was almost dead silent besides the sound of cars passing by

Nicole asked them

Why do you guys look so down

Gumball and Darin at the same time said

Because we just left are home are friends and are girlfriends

Nicole starting to fell bad says

you know what for a a summer vacation we will visit elmore but I don't know witch one though

Gumball and Darwin say

Thanks mom

Darwin x Carrie  closer Where stories live. Discover now