Part 8

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Gumball and Darwin woke up and saw that it was raining Darwin was feeling sad because that meant that they couldn't go outside and hang with there new friends

They had meet some good friends there name where Eve and dray they would hang out all the. Time and Darwin new the Eve has feeling towards Gumball

Darwin tried to tell Eve that he had a girlfriend But she didn't listen and a couple of weeks later she asked him out on a date

Gumball said

No thanks I already have a Girlfriend

She obviously looked sad but tried not to show it she just said

Th..That's okay

Gumball felt Bad but wouldn't break up with penny just so some girl wouldn't feel sad

2 months later Eve told Gumball that she started having feeling towards Darwin Gumball told her

I'm really sorry but he was a Girlfriend we both have one I have. Had mine for 6 years now and Darwin had his for about 4

Darwin came over later on and said

I know you have feeling for me and that okay we can be friends but I can't break up with my girlfriend and anyways I'm moving back where she is in 2 years

Wait where does she live


Wait isn't that the city where they 2
Brother one is a HUGE trouble maker and the other is kind and nice to everyone

That's me and Gumball



Oh cool well I want to be friends so anyways got to go

Okay see ya

Happy that Eve didn't get all sad and stuff he walked home and asked Gumball

Hey we still moving back to elmore when I become 18

Yeah why

Just wondering


Later that night Nicole anais and Richard was asleep

And Darwin and Gumball where in Darwin room watching YouTube on his  laptop

When a knock on the door was heard and when Darwin opened the door and saw package He called Gumball down. They read the name on the package it was for Darwin

Darwin asked Gumball to look away and so Gumball looked away and Darwin opens it and Saw and Necklaces and it said

Give to someone special on they very special day

Darwin thought and remembered that in a week it was Carrie birthday and so he went straight to that post office and asked them to get it to Carrie house

In one week exactly They agreed and when they asked where do I deliver it to Darwin said her address and then went home happy that she will get a very special gift form Darwin then he thought how much

Was that necklace he searched it up and saw it and his heart dropped he saw that the necklace was worth over 10,000$ he then started wondering who would give him such an expensive gift but he

shrugged it off and went to sleep then woke up on His 17th birthday he opened he gift and. Saw a box's he opened and and it was the new Samsung s20 he was so happy to see that and he

Quickly put it down and opened another one and saw some car keys he was so happy and Nicole told him to follow her and she toke him out said and saw

A Mercedes c300 the same car that Gumball has he hugged Nicole so tight and she said

I thought I better buy you a car because you might fell Embarrassed sometimes when you need a ride some your big brother

Yeah sometimes when we are later for school and instead of walking like we do most of the time I need a ride from Gumball

He then got in his car with his new phone and drove it around the block it was the first time he drove and car besides the DMV crapy car he then cam back and saw one last gift  and he opened the gift and saw a case for his phone he put it in the case and said

Mom can I go to the movie


He toke he birthday money it was about 120$ and he left he got in his car got his phone and left he he watched the move and then went to a new dining place

He ordered some of the food and after Darwin ate he saw a new place that he never seen before he thought about but before he knew it he was already home

He asked Gumball about it but Gumball hadn't seen or heard about it when Darwin went back to it as soon as he walked in he Started hearing voice in his head and then he saw Carrie with Greg and

Ran after her but they disappeared then the voice started saying

She doesn't like you she forgot about you you'll never be together give Up Give Up GIVE UP

He started screaming and he got tripped he look up and saw Greg he saw Greg and around he Scream as loud as he could and then woke up on the living room floor and his whole family looking at him

He asked

What happened

You collapsed to the ground and started screaming

Darwin was scared he quickly got in his car and drove to where building and it was gone he was confused and scared

He then forgot about it and he then started being out of house a lot he was at the school a lot he start thinking about the incident and was wounded why it happened he never

Experienced anything like that he then thought wait maybe because I saw the building well never mind

He forgot about it and he was
Driving when he thought he saw Carrie he called up Gumball and said

I think that Carrie is here

Wait dude that not right

Darwin then looked very close my and heart drop when he notice that was her


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