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"morph? How could you possibly just morph into something else?"

"Want to see?" He held out his hand to pull her from the bench.

She quickly stood, gathering her coat. "Actually, you know what? I have to get home. This has been great and all but I have other things to do.."

He looked her in the eyes. "Sit down."

"I really should go.."

"Sit... Down."

She sank back down on the bench.

"Good now watch closely."

His entire bad boy look changed. First his hair turned blond, then his dark eyes turned blue, his jawline became less refined, and his entire body became softer.

"See? You can't even recognize me now."

She sat froze staring at him. What even was he? No normal human could do this. If he could morph into anything, what else could he do?

She pretended to be intrigued. "Can you do anything else?"

He sat across from her. "I can erase minds."

"Like completely make people forget things?"

"Like make them forget people. Or things they've seen."

"Is that what you're going to do to me? Make me forget I met you?" She leaned her head upon her hand.

"Actually, I have better plans in store for you."

"Actually, none of your "plans" are going to involve me because I'm done with this conversation. I need to go." she again stood with her coat.

He nodded. "Very well, I understand. I really thought you'd be the one."

She turned. "The one for what?"

"The one who would stay."

"Stay?" She coughed.

"Who would come to my world with me."

"Your world?"

"Yes, my world."

"Why would I go with you? I came to meet someone interesting and possibly finally rid myself of the single life. But now I'm seeing that the longer I stay, the less interested I become."

"You know what I find funny? We've been hanging the last 3 hours and neither of us knows each other's name."

"Of course we do. You messaged me for the date remember? You're Jack, I'm Rosaline.."

"Is that the name I decided to use? Jack? Well not bad.. not bad at all."

"So I'm guessing that's a fake name?"


"So you're just fake then?"

He touched her cheek. "Oh I'm very much alive Rosie."

"Don't call me that."

"Oh Rosie don't be such a stiff."

"I said don't call me that!" She punched him in the nose.

He laughed, spitting blood onto the floor, "Somebody getting feisty now huh?"

"For your information Jack or whatever the hell your name is, my father used to call me that before he'd beat me into the floor. So yes.. I'm a bit sensitive to the nickname."

"Well you never told me that."

"It's personal. I don't share everything I've been through on first dates. And from how this one has progressed, I definitely won't be having a second one with you." she walked away, slaming the restaurant door behind her.

"Oh you ain't seen the last of me yet Rosaline." He smiled. "Not even close."

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