The date

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"okay we've been here for nearly two hours and you haven't hardly told me anything about you." She leaned back against the cushioned bench. "Where are you from? What do you do?"

He smiled and leaned closer to her. "Forgive me but I'm curious. Why are you so interested in knowing me?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "Why would you ask me on a date just to get to know me? Shouldn't we be getting to know each other? Otherwise, this isn't a date."

"Oh right. A date. Forgive me for not remembering."

She lightly smiled. "Unless this isn't a date and you've been leading me on for nothing."

"What kind of monster would I be if I did something like that?" He laughed.

"Well it would mean you've been wasting my time and I'd rather think you're not that kind of guy."

"So you have types of guys then?"

"Let's just say I've met many different types. One night stands, fake interested, desperate, dangerous, angel-like, raging, depression... I've had pretty much everything."

"And how do I fit into your mix?"

"you're unlike anyone I've ever met. You don't do one night stands but you're clearly interested. You won't let me get to know you but you want to know everything you can possibly find out about me... Honestly, it's confusing and I'm unsure of what you want."

"What if I told you I've been watching you for a long time?" He leaned close.

She gulped. First red flag. "Watching me?"

"Yes. I've memorized what you do every day, the times, the places, what you wear, who you talk to..."

"And your reason is..?"

He smiled, flashing teeth again. "Let's just say interest."

She turned her head to the side. "Sounds like there's more to the story."

"Oh there is. But I'm not in the mood for telling stories. I've also already met you before."

Her heart pounded faster. Second red flag. "Met me before?"

"Yes. Of course I didn't look the same. I was shorter, less attractive, different face..."

"How could you have possibly had a different face?"

He looked at her from under his eyelashes. "Because I can morph into anything I want."

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