Beautiful World

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Eren's POV

Being home after all those months in hell feels so nice. The atmosphere there is totally different than on Earth. I had no idea how much I missed Levi's hugs until I was in his arms again.

The sound of Nadia's voice just made me burst into tears as it was a sound I had missed dearly and would never get tired of.

Once we got back home, Hanji called in a favor that she had with a Seelie and had her put about a dozen charms and spells around the house to make sure that if anyone tried anything again, we would know right away and could stop them before they could do anything.

Now that we're finally safe and sound from Lucifer and he's going to be trapped in hell for a very long time as he won't be able to create portals for a while, Levi and I can just relax and enjoy the rest of the time I have with my pregnancy.

Hanji said that I could go into labor any day now as I'm full term which means that I'm overdue as she was expecting me to have the twins a week ago.

I definitely feel like I'm full term as everything that I felt last time when I was about to give birth is doubled as I'm carrying twice the weight.

At least the twins were able to be inside me longer than expected as that is good for their development so when they come out, they won't have any type of problems.

Another good thing is that Hanji said that I am able to have another home birth though she doesn't recommend it as I'm having two babies and anything can go wrong.

At the last ultrasound, I had a couple of days ago, she said that both babies are head down and that's good because babies are supposed to be born head first and that if one of them wasn't then I would have to have a c-section which I definitely don't want.

Also, like last time, Hanji has been staying with us for the past few days as when I do eventually go into labor, she'll be right here when it happens, but this time she has Moblit as her assistant for extra help because I'm having twins so he's been staying here too.

Luckily, Levi and I were able to get the nursery ready in time with a little help from some of our friends as Levi wouldn't let me do a single thing, saying that he didn't want me to strain myself. All he pretty much let me do was hold things for him like screws or small pieces of what he was putting together. As I had learned from preparing stuff for Nadia, Levi isn't too bad when it comes to putting together furniture.

Since we don't know the genders of the twins, everything had to be gender-neutral until after they were born. The walls of the nursery were a mix of mint and pale red. I didn't want the walls to be grey or yellow as that is just such a cliché color for a gender-neutral room.

Now, Levi and I are cuddling naked in our bed, nothing sexual about it, just two people who love each other and want to be connected through skin-to-skin contact. Levi is rubbing my very large bump with one hand while the other rakes through my hair soothingly and places small kisses on my forehead every few minutes while we just lay here in comfortable silence.

Every once in a while, I would feel small Braxton hicks contractions which aren't as bad as last time, but I would wince in pain when one would hit and Levi would just hold me tighter until it passes.

Now that I'm full term, Hanji says that I need to start doing things to start labor as the longer the twins are in me the harder it is going to be to push them out. I've tried eating spicy foods and exercising but none of that has worked. I even tried relaxing in the pool as I floated on my back while Levi held me up and just walked around in circles.

The one thing that I think will work, Levi doesn't even want to try as he's worried that it will hurt me or the babies, which I've told him that Hanji said that it was fine and that sex to induce labor won't hurt anyone.

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