Meeting With the Devil

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A/N- This chapter is mostly just dialogue so sorry if it seems boring.

The feeling when I wake up is different than usual. I don't remember falling asleep, the last thing I can remember was waking up and needing to use the bathroom but everything after that is a complete blank.

I reach my arm out to Levi but feel nothing there. I open my eyes, seeing the spot next to me is empty. When I look around the room, I don't recognize where I am. 

Shooting into a sitting position, I take a look at my surroundings. This is not my room.

"Levi?" I call out.

"He's not here," I jump when I hear a voice speak. I turned my head in the direction where the voice came from and saw a man sitting in a chair but I couldn't really see his face as there wasn't much lighting in the room aside from the lit fireplace to my right.

"Who the fuck are you and where am I?" The man stands up and slowly walks towards the bed that I was sitting on. When I see his face fully I gasp as I recognize him. "Luke?".

"Yes, that is the name I told you but my real name is Lucifer also known as-" 

"Satan," I interrupt him.

"That is correct,"

Holy shitballs and crackers, the devil himself is standing right here in front of me. Internally, I'm freaking out. Never did I ever think that I would meet Lucifer, fallen angel, ruler of hell, and quite frankly I never wanted to.

"Why am I here and where is here?" I asked even though I had a slight suspicion of where.

"You, my friend, are in hell,"

"Well, why the fuck would take me here?"

"I need you, Eren. Since my disciples failed the first time, I had to come in and do the task myself," he starts walking closer to bed and I get out of it to get further away from him. My back hits the wall and I instinctively place my hand over my stomach.

"Stay the fuck away from me, don't you touch me!" I yell.

"Don't worry, Eren, I would never even dream of hurting you, after all, you are with child,"

"H-how do you know that?" He kept getting closer and closer to me and I tried to think of a way out but I couldn't, I was frozen on the spot too scared to do anything.

"I can sense it from you and it shows, that shirt doesn't hide it as much as you'd think. I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on you," 

"Please, just don't come any closer," I whispered as he was right in front of me now. I would never admit it, but I was scared. Lucifer is a very powerful person capable of almost anything. I had no idea what he plans to do with me whether it be to hurt me or my babies or both.

"As I said, I would never hurt you or your children. I need you and the requires for you to be safe and unharmed,"

"What the fuck do you need me for? I'm not anything special,"

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, my dear Eren, you are very special."


"As you know, you are half-demon and half-archangel, but what you don't know is that you are the only one, aside from your children, and even then they aren't as powerful as you are," he reaches his hand up to stroke my cheek. I turned my head away from him to keep him from touching me.

"What are you saying? I don't have much power, I never did,"

"But you do, you just haven't reached your full potential yet. In theory, you might even be as powerful as me," I had no idea what to say. Could I potentially use my powers to get out of here? "I know what you're thinking and no, it would take you years of practice to get to my level of power, even then, no one has ever been able to defeat me in battle,"

What the fuck is he saying right now? I have more power than I thought and he needs me for something which I will never willingly help him with. He's a dumbass if he thinks that I'm going to do whatever he wants me to without putting up a fight. I will escape from here, no matter what it takes.

"Are you a mind reader now or something?" I try to keep my voice from shaking. If he knew how afraid of him I am, he could use that fear against me.

"No, I can read people easily. After thousands of years of living, you pick up a few tricks here and there," I roll my eyes.

"Just tell me what the hell you want me for," 

"Well, Eren, I need your energy to open a permanent portal between Earth and hell so I can rule both realms, I need you because you are the bridge between heaven and hell, being half-demon and half-archangel, you're the last tool I need,"

"Then you're an idiot if you think I'm just going to hand over what you need so you can just go fuck off," he laughed.

"Feisty, aren't you?" he chuckled. "This is part that is interesting and is also putting a small kink in my plan, you see, your condition prevents me from being able to enact my plan as the ritual would harm your unborn children because it would cause a lot of stress on your body which would kill the beings growing inside of you,"

"So what then, you're going to kill my babies just so you can do your evil little plan, well, I won't let you,"

"No, I would never even think to harm your children, I have never once in my life ever harmed a baby, and I am a little hurt that you would think that I could do such an unspeakable thing,"

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did, being the devil and all,"

"Yes, I am the devil and I torture souls, but those souls had it coming, they are the souls of thousands of years worth of murderers, thieves, rapists, and thugs that deserve their punishment," 

"What are you going to do now that you can't perform your little ritual?"

"I am just going to have to wait for you to give birth and then I will take your children to their father. After that, there's nothing stopping me from achieving my goal. I am a patient man so I will wait as long as it takes," he takes a few steps back from me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

This situation is just as shit as the last time. Why did I have to be born this way? Why couldn't have I just been born a normal demon like Armin or Mikasa? All this stuff happening right now could have been avoided if I had been born normal.

I sink down the wall onto my knees and tears begin falling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"Why couldn't I have just been born normal?" I asked myself but Lucifer decided to answer me. He kneeled down to my level with a fond smile on his face.

"Eren, if you had been born just a normal demon, you wouldn't have your precious children," I look up at him with tear-stained cheeks.

"What do you mean?"

"Archangels have the ability to procreate whether they are male or female. It's a survival mechanism to ensure the continuation of the species as they're so rare, and since you are half, you also have that ability,"

A light bulb went off in my brain as the age-old question I had for years was just answered. I had no idea that it could be because of what I was born as, I just thought that it was something only some demons can do.

When Levi told me that I was pregnant the first time, I was a little surprised because I was a man but anything can happen in the magical world.

"So that's why I can carry children? I never would've thought of that," I muttered to myself.

"Do you see now, Eren? You are one very special person whether you think so or not," I just glare at him. "Well, that is enough for today, bye, Eren, I will see you later," he walked out the door, leaving me in silence.

I was happy when he left, his presence is very unnerving, but I would never tell him that. Sure, many demons would be honored to meet Satan himself but I was raised to hate him as he stands for all things evil. 

Now, to find a way out of this hellhole, literally, and get back to Levi. I know Levi is probably looking for me by now but I hope he finds me soon. I really don't want to give birth in this place and who knows if Lucifer is going to change his mind about killing my children. I pray to God that the three of us make it out of here alive and soon.

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