Telling Everyone

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I explained to Levi how I wanted to tell everyone. We invited a few people over with the excuse that Nadia wanted to see them and of course, no one could say no to her.

I got a shirt for Nadia that says 'Big Sister' on it and then we're going to wait until someone notices. We told Nadia not to say anything as to not ruin the surprise.

Levi wants to tell everyone today just to get it over with. I wanted to wait a little bit and just tell Hanji so we can start making appointments with her for ultrasounds and stuff to make sure that everything is fine with the baby before letting everyone know, but I don't think I'll be able to keep this to myself.

The doorbell rings and my heart rate shoots through the roof. Levi goes to answer the door and the first ones here are Hanji, Armin, Erwin, and Mikasa.

"EREN!!" Hanji squeals making me flinch a little as she's right in front of me. She engulfs me in her signature tight hug.

"Hanji, I can't breathe," 

"Oh, sorry, I couldn't help it,"

"It's only been like two days since I've seen you, Hanji, calm down," she just giggles and goes over into the living room with Erwin where Nadia was waiting and picks her up into a hug.

I let everyone else in then closed the door. I said hello to Armin and Mikasa then talked with them for a few minutes before going into the living room and sitting on the large couch.

Judging how calm everyone seems to be right now, they haven't noticed what Nadia's shirt says but I'm sure that when Hanji sees it she'll go crazy.

After a few more minutes of talking, the doorbell rang and Levi went to go open it. Jean, Isabel, and Farlan walked through the door.

"Hey, Jaegerbomb, what's up?" I roll my eyes at Jean's stupid nickname he keeps calling me. 

"Nothing much, Horseface, you?" I smirked as I used the nickname he also hates that I used to call him. He glared at me and went to sit down next to Armin.

Isabel went straight to Nadia and lifted her into her arms then placing a kiss on her cheek.

I love that everyone loves and treats Nadia like she were their own child. At one point I was worried that some people would be disgusted by her being born from a man but that is not the case, it's the total opposite. 

"So what did you invite us here for, Eren?" Armin asked me.

"I just wanted to hang out with everyone and Nadia said that she wanted to see all her aunts and uncles even though everyone isn't here at least some of you came,"

"I think I speak for everyone that we also missed Nadia too," Hanji said as Nadia walked over to her and climbed into her lap. Everyone laughed in agreement.

They all really love my little angel.

"When do you think they're going to notice?" Levi whispers to me.

"I don't know but with the way Hanji is playing with her, it won't be long,"

Levi was about to say something until I heard Hanji scream.

"AHHHHH, EREN!! You're not," Hanji yells with a big smile on her face then stands up, putting Nadia in her spot and running over to me to engulf me in another bone-crushing hug.

Everyone else has confused looks on their faces while Hanji is freaking out as I expected her to.

Hanji practically lifts me up from the couch and starts jumping up and down, squealing in my ear. A moment later, she lets me go and goes back over to Nadia and picks her up then starts dancing around with her.

"Can someone tell us what is going on and why Hanji is acting weird...well...weirder?" Armin asks.

Hanji stops dancing and sets Nadia down then tells her to go over to Armin.

"Don't you guys see what Nadia's shirt says?" no one responds then looks towards Nadia where she is now seated in Armin's lap while he tries to see what her shirt says.

I start hearing a bunch of gasps around the room as some people begin to figure out what the shirt says.

"Are you joking, Eren? Tell me that you're not joking," Isabel asks me.

"Nope, I'm not joking. I'm pregnant again, Nadia is going to be a big sister," I say with a big smile across my face.

Everyone erupted into cheers of celebration and congratulations. Mikasa glared at Levi for a moment before a smile took over her face. She just couldn't stay mad forever. She's known Levi for almost four years, she's gotta get over her hate towards him at some point...I hope.

"How far along are you?" Armin asks me.

"I don't know yet, I just found out yesterday, but I'm already starting to show a little so probably really far,"

"That's normal, Eren," Hanji adds. "Since this is your second pregnancy, you're going to show earlier than if it was your first,"

"Oh, ok, so do you have an estimate on how many weeks I am?"

"Sure, but can I see your bump first?"

"Yeah, hold on," I lift up my shirt and turn to the side so she could see the small bulge in my lower stomach area which looks a bit bigger than yesterday.

Hanji comes closer to me and starts feeling around the bump, mumbling to herself.

"Well, from what I can tell, you could be around eight to ten weeks,"

"Hmm, I figured I'd be around two months,"

"I'll schedule an appointment for you for next week to make sure this pregnancy goes just as smoothly as the last one,"

"Thank you, Hanji,"

"No problem, Eren,"

Nadia walks over to me and holds her hands up, asking for me to pick her up. I lift her into my arms and set her on my hip.

I see Hanji smiling like an idiot still and I roll my eyes at her. I sit down and move Nadia so she was sitting in my lap.

Eventually, we began a normal conversation. Nadia ended up falling asleep so I took her up to her room so she could sleep so all the talking didn't wake her up.

I can't wait to see how Nadia will react to having a baby sibling. I know she will be a great big sister and will love her brother or sister.

When I go back downstairs, I sit by Levi on the couch, and almost instantly, he wraps his arms around my waist to settle on my stomach where our second child rests.

This baby has no idea how loved they are already and I can't wait for them to be born so I can see their beautiful face.

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