Koreleon-Humanity is beautiful i think (DRv3/THH)

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You wanna know whats cool? The outside. And whats outside? Baseball. So guess where leon was. Otuside doing the basiceslgiasdlf
Thats nice

kork was outside taking a stroll because he does that sometimes and he saw the leon doing a baseball. Whoa hes gotta go check that out so he did

"I see you like baseball
"Well yeah but acutally no you see because i hate baseball it makes me fell the sads but i like music though so thats pretty cool"
"Do you like musci?"
"Is it apart of human cultire?:
"I thin so maybe idk l-"
"Then yes because humanity is beautiful" said kokr because humanity is beautiful to him idk man that seems sus.

Leon backed away because fuck that shit and played the baseball. Korekiryo watched because it was beautiful. After the game leon met up with korkeiyo again 'did you see me did i do good" he asked
"Yes I saw you you did good"korekiyo respinded
"you are welcome would you like to walk with me red hairded man" the cork asked
"Yes" sia d th red hair man 

so they went on a watclj together beause thats what kork decided o do and it made them the happy/ but tis tarted raining :(
Kork took leon uder a bench because je liked leon and he didnt want to se ehim get soakined inthe rain
"Yes now we are safe from the giant flying sheep"
They sat and watched the rain because it was cool. Kork told stories and leon said whoa thats hot and they kissed ot wahteve r lol

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