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⚠️TW: abusive parents, alcoholics⚠️
𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 19𝙩𝙝
Alisha: mum! You're hurting me, please let go of me
Mum: no you fucking bitch! Where were you? I told you not to leave the house
Alisha: I told you! I was with Lauren, I'm sorry please let go
Mum: do you think I'm fucking dumb?
Alisha: please let go

There were tears streaming down my face and I was trying to get out of my mother's tightening grip on my arm. She'd obviously had been drinking and wasn't thinking straight

Mum: pack your bags, I want you gone by the morning. I don't need a whore of a daughter like you
Alisha: w-what? M-mum you're drunk, y-you aren't thinking straight
Alisha: I HATE YOU

I ran to my room and started packing my bags. I fit a good amount of clothes in a large suitcase and in a duffel bag i packed everyday necessities. I couldn't live in this hell of a house any longer and deal with my so called mother's bullshit. My bags were packed within two hours and I made my way to the front door
Mum: don't ever come back Alisha

Alisha: I wouldn't even want to

I started walking towards god knows where, contacting all my friends asking if anyone could help me out. No one could help me out, great I'm in my own..again. I found a seat at a nearby park and put my hood up. My face was tear stained and I hadn't eaten in nearly three days, but that was at the least of my worries. I was on my phone scrolling until I found that there were three boys who wanted a roommate. Let's give it a shot i guess

Ring ring ring r-

???: hello?
Alisha: hi I'm Alisha, I saw that you and your friends needed a roommate?
???: oh yes we do! Could you come over to the house tomorrow at around 11:30am?
Alisha: for sure! Just text me the address and I'll be there
???: okay perfect
Alisha: I never caught your name
???: oh sorry it's Nick
Alisha: okay thanks again Nick, see you tomorrow
Nick: yep, goodnight Alisha
Alisha: goodnight nick

-call ended-

Okay well that was good..I think. I should probably rent a hotel room for like a night. I walked around for a bit until I saw a hotel. I made my way inside to the receptionist

Receptionist: hi! How can I help you?
Alisha: hello, I was wondering if you had any rooms available for one night?
Receptionists: I do! I have one more left
Alisha: perfect, could I purchase it please?
Receptionist: of course! That'll be $150

I took out my credit card and payed for the room. She handed me a key and I thanked her, heading upstairs. Once I had gotten to the room, I placed my things down and sighed. I just wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry. I decided to just call it a night, so I made my way into bed. I was about to sleep, until my phone rang. I answered without looking at the contact name

Alisha: hello?
Noah: where the hell are you?
Alisha: Noah? Why are you calling me
Noah: because you're my girlfriend and you're not at home
Alisha: yeah no we aren't having this conversation

-call ended-

I put my phone on silent and headed to sleep


I woke up and checked the time, it was 10am and I had to leave by 11. So I quickly got out of bed and started getting ready

 So I quickly got out of bed and started getting ready

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I wore this and checked the time once again, 11:23am. Shit I'm running late, I made my way out of the hotel room and ran home because that's where my car was. When I made it home, my car was still there. Thank god I had gotten the key already, so I could just get into the car and drive off. I put in the address I was given into the gps, only 8 minutes away, not too bad

-8 minutes later-

I was at the house. It was very well maintained and looked very homely. I took my anxiety, iron deficiency and vitamin D pills, drinking water to help it go down my throat easier. Taking a big sigh, I stepped out of my car and walked towards the front door

Knock knock

I waited for about a minute before a boy who looked very young who had brown eyes, chocolate brown hair and looked about 5'7 opened the door with a goofy smile

Nick: hi!
Alisha: hello! I'm Alisha, uh we talked on the phone?
Nick: oh yeah! Come in

I walked inside the house. My jaw dropped to see how nicely decorated it was. I could live with this. I saw two other boys coming downstairs and greeted me with a warm smile. One had dark blonde hair with emerald eyes and looked around 6'2, while they other one had brown hair and dark brown eyes and looked the same height as nick

George: hello! I'm George
Clay: hi! I'm clay
Alisha: nice to meet you, I'm Alisha
George: pleasure to meet you

I followed the three of them to what I assume is the dining table and take a seat. This felt too much like I'm in trouble, I started to fiddle with my rings

Clay: so tell us about yourself
Alisha: Im 19 years old, I work at a diner but I stream sometimes
Clay: you stream?
Alisha: yeah only sometimes though
Nick: what do you stream?
Alisha: I stream a variety of things but usually minecraft and among us
George: we stream too! Minecraft usually
Alisha: well that's good, we have something in common

I felt my head getting dizzy. Oh shit, not now Alisha..please not now. You took your pills, why is this happening? Now of all moments! I took a sip of water and put on a calm face

Clay: well it was good meeting you, we will let you know our decision by tomorrow
Alisha: okay, thanks again for giving me a chance

I said goodbye to them a slowly made my way towards the door. Come on Alisha, you got this. Hold on until the car. I made it towards my car and immediately collapsed into the drivers seat

Alisha: for fucks sake, I hate this

I rested my head on my seat, I needed to make sure it was alright for me to drive. I don't want to get in a car accident. I have Panadol somewhere, that'll help. I started to rummage through my car, until I found it. Wait where's my water bottle? Fuck. I left it at the house. Great Alisha, you're already loosing your fucking mind. I put my head on the steering wheel and just wanted to scream, until knocking on my car window scared the shit out of me. I looked over to see Nick standing there. I rolled down my window

Alisha: oh hey
Nick: hey, you left your water bottle
Alisha: oh thank you!

He gave me my water bottle and I took it

Nick: are you alright? You look super pale and at the house looked as if you were about to faint
Alisha: o-oh I-im okay
Nick: we don't want our new roommate getting into a car crash
Alisha: yeah

Then it hit me

Alisha: wait what?
Nick: surprise!
Alisha: oh my wow! Thank you
Nick: you can move in when you're ready
Alisha: I'll have my things over in like 30 minutes, is that ok?
Nick: of course! Do you need any help?
Alisha: no it'll be ok! I'll see you soon
Nick: okay!

I drove back to the hotel and grabbed my suitcase and back everything that I had. I loaded everything into my car and started driving back to the house. When I arrived I was super scared, what if they didn't like me? No Alisha, they wouldn't have chosen you if they didn't like you. I made my way out of the car and grabbed my belongings. I was about to knock on the door until clay opened it before my hand reached the door

𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 , 𝗌𝖺𝗉𝗇𝖺𝗉Where stories live. Discover now