Hungover and Hoodie

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Kate woke with a heavy head. As soon as she sat up she groaned, feeling like a hammer hitting her head. Wrong move.

"Look who's finally up." Dean came to her with a tray in his hand. Kate looked up to see her best friend shirtless, with ripped muscle all over his abdomen.

"When did you get so hot?" Her hand reached up and traced his abs. Of course Kate has seen Dean shirtless more than once, but damn did he look good now.

Dean took in a deep breath, not expecting her to be that forward and touchy. "Not completely sober yet?" He asked knowing that's obviously the only reason. She has absolutely no filter when she's drunk. She was a bad drunk, but that never stopped her from drinking.

"Nope." She said, her hand still on his abs, reaching his v-line. Dean gulped, feeling things he shouldn't feel towards his best friend.

He quickly put the tray on the nightstand. "Here's an aspirin. And drink this whole glass." Kate wrinkled her nose at the green juice in front of her. Dean tousled her hair with adoration and said, "Finish it or you'll have a headache all day. I'm going to take a shower and then you're taking one. I asked Lana to bring some cloths for you." Then he walked into the bathroom with a towel in his hand.

The green thing in the glass was a disgusting juice that Dean always made for Kate whenever she got extremely drunk and had a bad hangover. And surprisingly, it always worked like magic.

Kate gulped the juice in one go and cringed at it's taste. And in queue Lana walked into the room and tossed her a bottle of water. "Hey Katie. God I haven't seen you in sooooo long. Why don't you come over anymore? I miss you." Lana was Dean's little sister, who was 2 years younger than him.

"Lana, you're an angel." Kate looked at her gratefully and drank half the content in the bottle, the taste of the juice still in her tongue. "I've missed you too. I've just been so busy these days, with college applications and trying to keep my grades up, and your brother is a big baby who needs a lot to attention too." Lana laughed at the mention of her brother.

"It's okay. I'll forgive you if you promise to come to my birthday party and help me with the decors."


"Here's the cloths Dean asked me to bring for you. I've to go get ready for school. You should take shower in my bathroom, he'll take ages. I'll see you soon?"

"Thank you. See you later." Kate went into Lana's room, took a shower, got dressed and went back into Dean's room. He was ready to leave, in a black t-shirt and faded jeans.

When he saw her, his lips turned into a frown. Kate eyed his questionably. So he walked into his closet and came out with an article of clothing and threw it at her. She caught it easily, "Put that on."

"Come on Dean." It was one of his hoodies.

Dean walked behind her, leaned against the door frame and folded his hands. Indicating that she's not going anywhere without wearing that.

"Ugh." Kate rolled her eyes and started putting it on.

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