💌 》》》 e i g h t

863 36 14

monday | 11:45 am

ua's cafeteria is packed again as always. a long line in queue but fortunately class 1-b finished early that y/n wasn't too late for the last strawberry dessert.

a hand was raised when she looked for a seat only to find out it was her friend midoriya. she ended up sitting on their table like the last time with the same people.

"how have you been y/n?" ochaco started the conversation.

"oh. i'm doing great!" y/n replied with a smile on her face as she started to eat her cold soba. it was yummy indeed.

"looks like you're trying something new aside from just eating anything strawberry huh?" midoriya commented from her choice of food.

"yeah... i know someone who likes it and i was thinking, it wouldn't hurt to try right?" she replied.

"ohhh. todoroki is quite fond of that too. see?" tsuyu spoke.

looking forward to the person ahead of her, he is indeed fond of it as it is also the meal laid in front of him.

"oh about earlier, i'm really sorry. i was just trying to help you. i deeply apologize." you said to the latter.

"no, i understand. thank you for helping me." shoto replied, trying keep his calm.

"that was very heroic of you to drag his late ass in our classroom y/n. but you really should, as much as possible, help yourself from being late too, okay?" iida reprimanded. see? potential father, y/n thought.

lowering her head she spoke, "i'm sorry. i'll try my best from now on."

"how about... shoto helps you come to school from now on? like, payback for earlier?" their sly friend midoriya suggested.

ochaco saw what the broccoli boy was doing so she decided to help, "that's a good point! having someone wait for you early in the morning sure does make you wake up early ya'know?"

shoto knew there was something fishy right from the start but he didn't know it was this fishy. i mean, he couldn't complain. he knew they were just helping him from his unrequited feelings.

"only if he agrees but there's totally no need for that. i can mana-" with that, tsuyu elbowed the icy hot's side for him to interrupt y/n.

"i agree!" shoto yelped in an unwanted way. rubbing his ribs to ease the pain away he continued, "i think that's a great idea too. not only it will help you, but help myself as well. that way, i can learn to prepare early too and not be late like earlier." he explained.

"it's settled then. shoto and y/n will be starting to come to school together starting tomorrow." iida announced as he chopped the air.

"yep!! and it's definitely for educational purposes only." tsuyu stated to not make it too obvious. insert: lenny face.

ochaco giggles silently while midoriya sent shoto eyebrow wiggles.


i really don't know where this is going , jesus take the wheel😭😭😭

also, i'm really sorry for the late update... it's been like,  three months already?? n e ways, thank you for waiting

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