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❤️ by OliviaJ, AlexAlbon and 381

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❤️ by OliviaJ, AlexAlbon and 381.048 others

Charles_leclerc winter testing done ✔️ now on our way back home to annoy Olivia

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OliviaJ no boy you got it wrong, I'm gonna annoy you😂
💬 MaxBoucher not a surprise, you annoy everyone

GeorgeRussell63 you forgot something 😤
💬 Charles_leclerc oh yeah right, PHOTO CREDITS TO MY GORGEOUS FRIEND GEORGE😇 that alright?
💬GeorgeRussell63 yes thanks baby 🥰
💬 charleslechair this friendship is everything 😂🥺

Landonorris omg what a cutie😍
💬Charles_leclerc no u😙
💬Landonorris no u 🥺
💬Charles_leclerc stop it honey, u are 👉🏼👈🏼
💬MaxBoucher i think i just threw up.
💬Landonorris pff, ur just jealous
💬OliviaJ everywhere I go I see Max commenting on everything she thinks is worth insulting
💬Landonorris honestly? it doesn't even surprise me 😂 she's being rude because she's single
💬 MaxBoucher bold of u to assume im not rude every moment of the day

Charles4ever who were you looking at?👀

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