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❤️ by PierreGasly, Valeyellow46 and 273

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❤️ by PierreGasly, Valeyellow46 and 273.810 others

OliviaJ look at this cute Marquez fan🥰🧡

👤 Landonorris Valeyellow46

LoveMM93 ehmm, that's Rossi merch?🙄
💬 EvanWestfield #YouMissedTheJoke

Landonorris Rossi is and always will be superior 😙💙
💬 OliviaJ stop living in the past and just accept that Marc is the new legend you little bitch😙🧡

Charles_leclerc Is that a baby bottle?😂
💬 GeorgeRussell63 He hasn't learned how to drink out of a cup yet 🥺
💬 Danielricciardo our cute little boy🥺
💬 MaxBoucher just enjoy this moment cuz little boys grow up so fast 🥺
💬OliviaJ 😭😭😭😭

Valeyellow46 you guys are so funny 😂
💬 Landonorris I LOVE YOU
💬MaxBoucher damn, calm ur tits. u have a girlfriend at home.
💬OliviaJ i accepted that i need to share him 🙂
💬MaxBoucher then i'm minding my own business again 🥰

norrisandrussellfan ^ lol these girls, where are they coming from?
💬 MaxBoucher our moms uterus
💬IvyJones lmao Max how are you everywhere

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