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❤️ by PierreGasly, MaxBoucher and 319

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❤️ by PierreGasly, MaxBoucher and 319.934 others

GeorgeRussell63 do you think she liked the flowers?

👤 OliviaJ

MaxBoucher no. i don't think so.
💬 Charles_Leclerc Doesn't look like it, mate...
💬 GeorgeRussell63 Yeah I was having my doubts as well, but thanks for the confirmation!

OliviaJ Pff, no...
💬 MaxBoucher @GeorgeRussell63 see?
💬 GeorgeRussell63 Shit 😬

Landonorris I think she does, mate
💬 GeorgeRussell63 Phew 😂

AlexAlbon So cute you two! 😍

NayaWillis She better. I helped you set this shit up
💬 Landonorris She woke up and just chose violence
💬 OliviaJ @MaxBoucher is that you...?
💬 MaxBoucher actually, no. but yes i chose violence today
💬 PierreGasly 🙂
💬 GeorgeRussell63 Poor Pierre 😂
💬 NayaWillis you always do🥴

IvyJones Look how cute she is 🥺️
💬 GeorgeRussell63 I know ❤️️
💬 OliviaJ You're simps... 😂
💬 MaxBoucher i agree.
💬 EvanWestfield there's a difference between support and simp
💬 IvyJones THANK U
💬 EvanWestfield yeah no ur simping
💬 OliviaJ HAHAHAH a baby roast
💬 EvanWestfield get out.

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